Page 65 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 65

possibly write every story         Reporters at trade publications  acquired or merged with another
             themselves. They look to outside   use press releases in "New     company, perhaps there's big
             contributors to help fill the pages.  Product" sections. The release can  personnel news like a new President.
             Companies who pitch trend stories  also be shared via wire service, if  No matter what the story is, it may be
             they can write can position        desired, to spread the word    worth creating a press release if it's
             themselves as industry thought     further. Be sure to include an eye-  newsworthy.
             leaders.                           catching, high-resolution photo as
                                                                               Another pro of press releases beyond
             Once the story is published, it can  this will make your news more  increased visibility of your brand and
             be leveraged in other ways. It can  attractive to editors and their  business, is boosting your business's
             be shared across social media,     readers. Remember, you're selling  assets in search engine results pages.
             posted on the company's website,   to humans and effective brand  By publishing press releases on high-
             shared with prospects and          marketing    establishes  an   authority websites you increase your
                                                emotional connection to your
             customers through a newsletter                                    own website's domain authority, which
             and so on.                         audience.                      helps incredibly with Search Engine

                                            Public Relations Inspiration       Optimization.
         4. Press Releases
             Are you writing press releases  For Industrial Businesses         Although a press release can help your
             when you announce a new        There are many different stories that  SEO strategy and organic traffic, it's a
                                                                               good idea to boost your story with paid
             product or service? Press releases  your industrial business can tell to help
             are another multipurpose tool  elevate your brand with PR. Perhaps  advertising methods or newsletter
             that can be leveraged in a variety  you have an association update, or  advertising.
             of ways.                       maybe your company just successfully  ( R

               Centre directs states to strictly enforce pictorial warning laws

           The Centre has urged all states to strictly enforce the laws on pictorial warnings on tobacco product packets, which
           came into effect recently. In a letter addressed to chief secretaries of states and Union territories, health secretary
           Rajesh Bhushan said the pictorial warnings will help bring greater awareness and sensitize people about the serious
           and adverse health consequences of tobacco use, especially among the youth, children and the illiterate.
           "Effective implementation of the rules depends on concerted efforts of all concerned ministries, departments of the
           government of India as well as state governments," he added.
           The ministry of health and family welfare had notified the third amendment to the Cigarettes and other Tobacco
           Products (Packaging and Labelling) Rules, 2020, on 1 December. Bhushan asked states to take necessary steps to
           ensure the provisions of the new rules are duly enforced.
           In India, 270 million adults use tobacco; it kills more than 1.3 million every year. Several studies have also established
           a connection between tobacco use and the spread of covid-19.
           The Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) 2016-17 by the Union health ministry had put to rest all apprehensions about
           the effectiveness of pictorial warnings with 62% of cigarette smokers and 54% of bidi smokers saying they thought of
           quitting because of the warnings covering 85% of the packets. Likewise, 46% of smokeless tobacco users thought of
           quitting because of the warnings on the products.
           Pictorial health warnings on tobacco products are the most cost-effective tool for educating people on the health
           risks of tobacco use, according to the World Health Organization.
           In India, where people use many languages and dialects, pictorial warning transcends both the language and illiteracy
           barrier. The 85% pictorial warnings on bidi/cigarette and chewing tobacco packages manufactured and sold in India
           resulted in 92% and 96% of adults (GATS 2016-17) becoming aware of the serious illnesses caused by smoking and the
           use of smokeless tobacco, respectively. The findings also revealed that there has been a growing demand for cessation
           centres as 55% of smokers and 50% of smokeless tobacco users were planning or thinking of quitting tobacco use.

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