Page 78 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 78

"Buy three fresh avocados from     presentation practice. Ineffective  meetings,  job   interviews,
             aisle four in the produce section."  practice is thinking about your  performance reviews, conference
             You write "3 avocados."            speech and mumbling the words,     calls, and more. If that's true, then
             In fact, your notes should be so   which only helps you know your     you spend a lot of time trusting
                                                presentation better. Effective     yourself, your experience, and
             personally coded for your personal
                                                practice is having your mind and   your credibility when you speak
             use that they read as nonsensical
             to someone else.                   mouth work together to convey      spontaneously.    Use    that
                                                your speech aloud and in real time.  understanding to confidently
             The good thing about having        This tactic comes closest to       realize you never need a word-for-
             notes versus a script is that, after  simulating what you'll be doing  word script to make compelling
             looking up at your audience, you   when you deliver your speech for   points.
             can look down and easily track
             where you are and what you need                                   When you know your points well,
                                                You don't need a person, a mirror,
             to say next. But if you lose your                                 prepare good notes, and practice the
                                                or a camera to practice effectively
             place between, say, words 439                                     right way, you'll understand that
             and 440, it will take a conspicuous  - just you, your mind, and your  conveying your ideas live and
             amount of time to recover.         mouth, practicing by physically
                                                presenting.                    unscripted is easier, less scary, and
         3. Practice Effectively                                               more effective than you thought.
                                            4. Trust Yourself  More Than
             You already know that practice is
             important, but it's crucial to     Your Script                    That leap of faith is also a leap of
             understand the difference          You speak without scripts in your  progress. Anyone can read a script.
             between effective and ineffective  workplace all the time: in     Leaders champion their ideas. R

               In a first for India Inc, HUL to help staff facing domestic abuse

           In perhaps a first, Hindustan Unilever (HUL) has framed a policy to protect its employees from domestic abuse. This
           extends the scope of employee well-being beyond work - that is, the office - to his/her personal life and home. HUL's
           policy comes at a time when a significant number of its office-based staff are working from home. The policy seeks to
           protect and grant relief to employees who are survivors of abuse, or acts of physical/emotional abuse beyond the
           workplace, while maintaining confidentiality about their identities. The help HUL would extend under the policy, which
           is gender-neutral, includes access to urgent medical care and psychological counselling support, paid leave of 10 days,
           reimbursement of lodging and boarding expenses for 15 days for the employee, and temporary work arrangement at
           a company office in another city for a month.
           HUL executive director (HR) Anuradha Razdan told TOI, "Globally, in every way, women have been more adversely hit
           due to the pandemic, whether it is due to job losses, or because they have to shoulder a larger part of the burden in
           household chores, while working at the same time, or dealing with the negative emotions associated with the
           pandemic. Across the world, there has been a significant rise in the number of reported cases of domestic abuse. We
           want to stand up as advocates for change that we would like to see in society by proactively putting a stake in the
           ground and coming up with a policy which calls out to our employees: 'If you are someone who has faced this and
           wants to come out and talk, the organisation is here to support you'."
           During the lockdown, cases of domestic violence have gone up significantly. The complaints the National Commission
           for Women (NCW) received on domestic violence against women doubled in the first month of the lockdown from 123
           during February 27-March 22 to 250 between March 23-April 22. Insights reveal that when people suffer abuse, their
           immediate family is not necessarily a credible support. Standard Chartered has developed a toolkit to provide examples
           of the various mechanisms that can be considered when supporting individuals experiencing domestic violence and
           abuse and the range of available resources. "The group's position is to offer colleagues experiencing domestic violence
           and abuse a broad range of support, including providing counselling through employee assistance programmes and
           local NGOs," said the bank's spokesperson. Capstone People Consulting CEO Sujaya Banerjee said organisations need
           to significantly improve on the support being provided to employees, given that domestic abuse is rampant and not
           restricted to the lower echelons of the society.

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