Page 83 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
P. 83
FC Kohli, 'father of Indian who laid the very foundations for However, the minister's March order,
India's spectacular IT revolution and which came at the end of an inquiry
IT industry', passes away set the stage for the dynamic modern following an appeal against Camden
FC Kohli, the first chief executive economy we enjoy today. Kohli led Council's planning refusal, came with a
officer of Tata Consultancy Services innovations in areas far-ranging from set of conditions.
(TCS) and popularly known as the adult literacy, water purification, "The Camden Council has now given
'Father of the Indian information software engineering, software permission for the cycle stand and
technology Industry', has passed away. automation, complex-systems and approved the Management Plan and
He joined the company in 1969 at the cybernetics." therefore the conditions attached with
behest of JRD Tata, then chairman of "Kohli was the true pioneer of Indian the Secretary of the State [Jenrick]
Tata Group. IT. We have all followed in his order dated 12th March 2020 stands
Kohli pivoted TCS first into footsteps. His contribution to the IT complied with," Janeevan John, of
management consultancy and then industry and thus to India is Singhania & Co Solicitors which dealt
over the next two decades, into immeasurable," Wipro chairman Azim with the appeals process for the Indian
software development, helping the Premji said in a statement. High Commission in London, said in a
organisation navigate multiple statement.
technology waves over two-and-a-half London clears way to
decades by continually investing in make Ambedkar House a Shipping Min to
people and staying relevant to museum encourage pvt sector in
Local authorities in north London have ferry services
He stepped down as CEO of TCS in formally cleared the operation of Following the launch of ferry services
Ambedkar House as a museum in between Hazira and Ghogha, the
Expressing grief over his death, Prime honour of the architect of the Indian Ministry of Ports, Shipping and
Minister Narendra Modi tweeted, "Shri Constitution after it was approved as Waterways is evaluating start of more
FC Kohli Ji will be remembered for his a landmark associated with "one of the such services.
pioneering contributions to the world founding fathers of modern India" It has identified domestic locations -
of IT. He was at the forefront of earlier in the year. Hazira, Okha, Somnath Temple, Diu,
institutionalising a culture of Camden Council gave the final go- Pipavav, Dahej, Mumbai/JN Port,
innovation and excellence in the tech
ahead for the museum after UK Jamnagar, Kochi, Ghogha, Goa, Mundra
industry. Pained by his demise. Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick and Mandvi - and six international
Condolences to his family and many had intervened to grant retrospective routes, connecting four destinations --
planning permission for 10 King Chattogram (Bangladesh), Seychelles
N Chandrasekaran, chairman, Tata Henry's Road in Camden, where Dr (East Africa) Madagascar (East Africa)
Sons, said, "I am deeply saddened by Babasaheb Ambedkar lived in 1921-22 and Jaffna (Sri Lanka) - for the
the news that FC Kohli passed away during his student days at the London commencement of ferry services,
this afternoon. He was a true legend, School of Economics (LSE). according to an official statement.
PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020 83