Page 88 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
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Premji at Rs 1,125 crore and Ambani's  aspirational districts, districts affected  The networks will be set up through
         Rs 510 crore.                      by left-wing extremism, northeastern  public data offices (PDOs) that will
         With a donation of Rs 27 crore, Amit  states, Laskwadeep, and other   establish, maintain, and operate WANI-
         Chandra and Archana Chandra of ATE  islands," Modi said at the fourth  compliant Wi-Fi Access Points, a
         Chandra foundation are the first and  edition of India Mobile Congress (IMC).  government release said. Public data
         only professional managers to ever  The government will ensure greater  office aggregators (PDOAs) will look
         enter the list.                    spread of fixed line, broadband    after authorisation work and
         The list has three of Infosys' co-  connectivity and public Wi-fi hotspots  accounting of PDOs. App providers will
         founders with Nandan Nilekani (Rs 159  to improve digital connectivity.  also be part of this ecosystem, and will
         crore), S Gopalkrishnan (Rs 50 crore)  Representatives of various government  help in registering users and aid them
         and S D Shibulal (Rs 32 crore).    departments, heads of telecom      in discovering nearby WANI-compliant
         The list of 109 individuals who have  companies such as Bharti Enterprises  Wi-Fi hotspots.
         donated over Rs 5 crore has seven  chairman Sunil Bharti Mittal and
         women, led by Rohini Nilekani's Rs 47  Reliance Industries Ltd chairman Must raise spending on
         crore.                             Mukesh Ambani, and experts in 5G, AI,  R&D: Niti Aayog CEO
                                            internet of things, data analytics, cloud
         Education is the highest beneficiary  and edge computing, blockchain,  India must increase its expenditure on
         sector with 90 philanthropists, led by  cyber-security, smart cities and  research and development, enhance
         Premji and Nadar, donating Rs 9,324  automation, are taking part in IMC  innovation and strengthen its
         crore, the report said, adding     2020.                              intellectual property rights (IPR)
         healthcare came second with 84                                        regime    to   enable   high-end
         donors and was followed by disaster  The event's theme, "Inclusive    manufacturing a reality, NITI Aayog
         relief and rehabilitation with 41 donors.  Innovation:  Smart,  Secure,  CEO Amitabh Kant said.
                                            Sustainable", aims to align with the
         The financial capital led by donor count                              Recounting the multiple steps that the
         at 36, followed by New Delhi at 20 and  Prime Minister's vision to promote
         Bengaluru at 10.                   Aatmanirbhar     Bharat,   digital  government has taken in the past to
                                            inclusivity,  and     sustainable  make India a preferred investment
         E-commerce firm Flipkart's co-founder  development, entrepreneurship and  destination, Kant said infrastructure
         Binny Bansal was the youngest donor  innovation, according to a statement  will be the key driver for India's
         at 37 with a commitment of Rs 5.3  from the prime minister's office.  growth.
         crore and the average age of the
         donors on the list was 66 years, it said.
                                            Cabinet approves setting           NHAI to invite Pvt Cos to
         India must work together up of public Wi-Fi network                   build logistic parks
         to ensure timely 5G                To ensure seamless digital connectivity  The National Highways Authority of
                                            at affordable rates, the Union     India (NHAI) is set to invite private
         rollout                            government approved a proposal to set
         India needs to work together to ensure  up public Wi-Fi networks across the  players to build multi-modal logistics
                                                                               parks (MMLPs), with the earliest bids
         a timely rollout of 5G technology to  country, which will be called PM Wi-Fi
         leapfrog into the future and empower  Access Network Interface, or PM-  likely to be awarded in the April-June
         millions, Prime Minister Narendra  WANI.                              quarter next year, a senior official
         Modi said.                                                            aware of the matter said.
                                            "The Cabinet has taken a decision to
         "We are embarking on a plan to ensure  launch PM Wi-Fi Access Network  The government had given approvals
         that over the next three years, every  Interface to unleash a massive network  for around 35 multi-modal logistics
         village will have high speed fibre optic  in the country. Public data centres will  parks as part of Bharatmala, its
         connectivity. There is a fibre optic cable  be opened in the country. There will  flagship highways development
         at Andaman and Nicobar Island. We  be no licence, fee or registration for  programme. The planning work on two
         are coming out with programmes that  it," Information Technology & Telecom  such parks, one in Chennai and the
         focus exclusively on places that can  Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad told  other in Nagpur, is underway, the
         make the best of such connectivity,  reporters.                       official told. R

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