Page 86 - PR COMMUNICATION AGE July - December 2020
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asked to send those feedbacks after  Rs. 24,000cr bullet train        with 33 bogeys flagged off from
         compiling it, he said. Mishra was                                     Bangladesh revived the Chilahati-
         addressing a webinar organised by  contract creates record            Haldibari rail route after 55 years amid
         realtors body NAREDCO.             The National High Speed Rail       thunderous cheers on both sides of the
                                            Corporation (NHSRCL) signed the    border. The train, flagged off by
         Covid passports to boost           country's largest ever government-  Bangladesh railway minister Nurul
                                            funded civil contract of nearly Rs  Islam Sujon, was greeted by thousands
         travel                             25,000 crore for the Ahmedabad-    as it reached Zero Point from Chilahati

         Global airline lobby Iata is working on  Mumbai bullet train project with  station. It chugged into India at
         a mobile app that will help travellers  infrastructure major Larsen and Toubro  Haldibari around 2pm.
         demonstrate their covid-free status,  (L&T). The construction company said  "It's like a dream come true. We are
         joining a push to introduce so-called  they have deployed people on ground
                                                                               now looking forward to passenger
         Covid passports to speed up the revival  to start work.
                                                                               trains on this route. We have heard
         of international travel.           The NHRSCL has awarded work for 325  stories of how Darjeeling Mail, pulled
         The Travel Pass will display test results  km falling in Gujarat to L&T. PM Modi  by a steam engine, used to run from
         together with proof of inoculation, as  asked the railways to go ahead with  Sealdah to Siliguri along this route,"
         well as listing national entry rules and  the work in Gujarat portion and  said Haldibari resident Sajal
         details on the nearest labs, according  complete it rather than waiting for  Chakraborty.
         to the International Air Transport  Maharashtra to get the required land  Darjeeling Mail, one of the oldest
         Association (Iata). The app will also link  for this flagship project.  trains between Kolkata and north
         to an electronic copy of the holder's  Speaking on the occasion, the  Bengal, could be among the first
         passport to prove their identity.  Japanese ambassador to India Satoshi  passenger trains to operate on the
         A test programme will begin with   Suzuki said the contract for such a  revived route three months later. It
         British Airways parent IAG SA this year  mammoth infrastructure project has  will save nearly five hours between
         before arriving on Apple Inc. devices in  been awarded at a time when it was  Sealdah and New Jalpaiguri Station
         the first quarter of 2021 and Android  required to accelerate economic  (NJP).
         from April, Iata said. Travellers will be  activities.                While flagging off the goods train,
         able to share their status with border  He said the project will not only help  Sujon reportedly announced that a
         authorities or present a QR code for  in transfer of Japanese technologies to  passenger train would ply from Dhaka
         scanning.                          India but it will also transform urban  to Siliguri three times a week from
         "We need to have global rules and  development along its corridor.    March 26, and trains from NJP would
         standards" on measures like rapid  Railway board CEO and chairman, V K  go to Sealdah via Bangladesh's
         testing and vaccination so there can  Yadav, said that after completion of  Chilahati, Domar, Toronbari, Nilfamari,
         be a "step forward" for the industry,  this first bullet train project, the  Sayeedpur, Darshana and Parbatipur
         Pieter Elbers, the head of the Dutch  government will take up more such  before entering India through the
         arm of Air France-KLM, said in a   train corridors on seven more routes.  Gede border.
         Bloomberg TV interview. The health  There will be employment generation  Loco master Amal Sarkar said: "This is
         advances "will definitely help to restore  not only for professionals like  a prestigious moment for us as we have
         confidence in travel."             engineers, technicians, designers and  been entrusted the job of taking the
         Qantas Airways Ltd said a covid-19  architects but also for skilled and semi-  engine from Chilahati to Haldibari. We
         vaccination will be a necessity for its  skilled workforce and construction  are honoured." The goods train had
         international passengers when      workers.                           two drivers, assistant drivers and
         approved and distributed. Chief                                       guards each. The NJP ADRM and other
         executive officer Alan Joyce told Haldibari rail route from           railway officers received the train at
         Channel 9 in Australia he has discussed  B'desh opens after 55        Haldibari.
         the idea with other airlines, and it's                                Launch has made five of six India-
         likely to become a pre-boarding years                                 Bangladesh rail links operational. The

         requirement around the world.      Haldibari (Cooch Behar): A goods train  other four connecting West Bengal

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