Page 18 - Risk Management Bulletin Jan- Mar 2021
P. 18


             Y   How does the firm respond when a customer has
                 a problem?

             But what value-additionmystery
             shoppers bring?

             Mystery shopping is a valuable tool that is very cost-
             effective & easy to deploy among many other
             sophisticated risk management & auditing tools to
             identify risks of an organisation. While audits are more
             formal and informed, mystery shopping is a discrete
             activity where no one is aware of this activity, acting
             as a surprise audit for the employees.
                                                              Y  Fake & manipulated Documentationrisks
             The research can be used at various points in the
                                                              Y  Fraud risks
             businessdevelopment, such as helping understand the
             customer experience following the rollout of new  Y  Supply Chain Risks
             services or regulations, to investigate specific market  Y  Other Compliance,regulatory and financial risks
             issues, customer safety, and security, or on an ongoing
             basis to check continual compliance with existing  Conducting a regular ongoingmystery shopping can
             regulations.                                     help organisations determine the extent to which the
                                                              risk-mitigating activities can reduce risks, ranging from
             Compliance risks pose threats to a company's financial,  testing and monitoring or employee training to work
             organisational, or reputational standing resulting from  according to the company norms.Disguised shoppers
             violations of laws, regulations, codes of conduct, or the  identify critical insights for internal auditors,risk
             standard practices of the organisation. It does not only  managers, supervisors, and other stakeholders.
             deal with outside forces but also requires employees
             to remain aware and in line with the code of conduct.  Howmystery shoppers shouldidentify unknown risks?
             Mystery shoppers identify the strategic, operational,  The mystery shopping methodology helps to assess
             financial, and compliance risks to which the     unknown risk issues ranging from steering of customers
             organisation is exposed.                         towards less suitable products ormisrepresentationby
                                                              Relationship Managers to, frauds likekickback
             The assessment will help the organisation understand  arrangements,overcharging of customers, selling
             the full range of its risk exposure, the likelihood of the  counterfeit products, impersonification, issuing fake/
             occurrence of the risk, the reason it may occur, and the  manipulated reports, fudging documents etc. Some of
             potential severity of its impact. The framework to  the cases on how can mystery shopping exercises can
             identify risks needs to be comprehensive, dynamic,  be made more effective for the identification of risks
             and customisable, allowing the organisation to identify  are as follows:
             and assess the categories of risks, which could be  Y  The mystery shopper totest 'Know - your -
             exposed in the coming time. The mystery shoppers    Customer' compliance!
             identify various kinds of risks, ranging under the
             category of:                                     In organisations, where the employees may ask for
             Y   Conflict of Interest                         identification, like banks or hotels, mystery shopping

             Y   Checking Violation of policies/contractual clauses  SOP should include a question or an observation point
                                                              about information and documents asked by the
             Y   Duplicate/couterfiet product risks
                                                              employee. This will help the firm assess, how many
             Y   Harassment risks                             employees in practice asked for proper identification.
             Y   Privacy risks                                Y  The mystery shopper totest 'How the employee is

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