Page 19 - Risk Management Bulletin Jan- Mar 2021
P. 19


                 relaying product, consumer safety, and General  everything and some hidden points may not be
                 consumer experience and recourse information'!  captured in the questionnaire developed for the
                                                              same,but mystery shopping remains  a great way to
             The above provision of information can be tested by  provide a reality check to firms and ensure continuity
             visiting as an end customer and sometimes through  between the variety of channels that customers use
             anactual sample purchase. The general consumer   to engage with brands. The best way to make mystery
             experience and protection indicator is used to check  shopping effective in a firm is to include an
                                                              omnichannel approach, to cover all parts of the
             potential pain areas, such as consumer privacy
                                                              customer service mechanism. The technique is an
             whether maintained, employee trustworthiness&
                                                              effective one to gain insight into the customer needs
             knowledge, the comprehensiveness of the employee,
                                                              and improve the areas where a company lacks.
             and other relevent points while explaining the product
             features and making a pitch.
                                                              It also helps in checking the employee's morality and
                                                              effectiveness. However, a challenge with this
             The professional mystery shoppers, further, to identify
                                                              technique is maintaining mystery shopper quality and
             potential problem areas consider the applicable
                                                              integrity. Hence, a professional mystery shopping
             regulations or Policies and Procedures adopted by an
                                                              expert services provider should be carefully evaluated
             organisation and then frame the approach &
                                                              before onboarding, not only on cost parameters but
             methodology to conduct the mystery shopping.     also on the parameters like their modus operandi, their
                                                              coverage, their team qualifications , experience and
             Concluding Remarks                               flexibility to adjust to the situation in hand etc for
             While discrete mystery shopping may not cover    getting the best mystery shopping results. T

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