Page 20 - Risk Management Bulletin Jan- Mar 2021
P. 20







             T         he COVID-19 pandemic has been a true   home or abroad - and which could escalate into a crisis

                       global crisis. The tragic loss of life, and
                                                              - have not gone away. Those include natural and man-
                       severe and lasting health effects for so
                                                              made disasters, political violence and terrorism,
                       many hundreds of thousands of people,
             have been a salutary reminder that a crisis can hit  bribery, lone assailants, political upheaval, industrial
                                                              accidents and more.
             anyone, at any time.
                                                              Some of these risks may be well known and
             As organisations in all sectors quickly found new ways of  understood by businesses, others might be new and
             working to adapt to the pandemic and the restrictions on  evolving. Current risks faced by companies operating
             the movement of people and goods, many  were     around the world include increased political and social
             prompted to think even more deeply about how to build  unrest in Lebanon, ongoing protests and unrest in
             corporate resilience.                            Hong Kong, and an uptick in "virtual kidnappings" in
                                                              hotels in Mexico - whereby victims are forced to
             Against the backdrop of the pandemic, the myriad
                                                              refrain from contacting the outside world and an
             other risks that organisations face when operating at  extortion demand is made for their freedom.
                               About the author               The current global situation is such that a "non-

                                                              pandemic" crisis becomes a potentially more complex
                         Charlie Matheson                     crisis than it would have been, because of the health
                         Global Product Head                  emergency that we still face and the measures in place
                         Security Risks, AXA XL
                                                              to try to combat it.

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