Page 25 - Risk Management Bulletin Jan- Mar 2021
P. 25


             During the 1999 Odisha floods, the Odisha State Disaster  analyzing risks, modelling and designing mitigation
             Management Authority utilized GIS-based satellite-based  projects, and communicating up-to-date information
             remote sensing technology for effective management.  with other departments to build resilience at all levels.
             GIS technology assisted in different phases of the disaster  Response: GIS provides powerful mapping and
             management cycle; starting from identifying locations to  analytics capability to respond to catastrophic events.
             construct multipurpose flood shelters and weak points in  It provides advanced tools that maintain situational
             the embankments to initiate repair. This followed by  and operational awareness; quickly analyze the
             strengthening and preparedness efforts and grid analysis  incident impact; assess the damage; deploy resources;
             to set up the Automated Weather Stations (AWS). The  and educate, inform, and warn citizens. With GIS tools,
             process also involved developing district and gram  authorities can get access to emergency unit locations,
             panchayat level vulnerability maps and base maps  shelter population capacities, supply inventories,
             indicating the location and operation of boats and  power, identify locations of public safety resources,
             deployment of rescue personnel.                  and status of the overall situation.
             There is a life cycle to any crisis or disaster. Following  To map and monitor the spread of Corona Virus Disease
             the response, the phase is an opportunity to build  2019 (COVID-19) cases, the Bruhat Bengaluru
             resilience. Integrating GIS into the disaster    Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) set up a war room that
             management response  framework  improves  the    integrates GIS technology. GIS-based maps, apps, and
             planning process. It allows users to understand the  dashboards displayed real-time data about hospital
             impact of potential damage and further anticipate  capacity, ICU beds, ventilators, and date; zone; hospital;
             resource utilization during the emergency. Front-line  age; and gender-wise details daily. The officials directly
             departments get access to real-time information to  received access to real-time data from health and police
             rapidly monitor the changing situations and further  departments for situational analysis, actionable insights,
             share up-to-date information with the public and other  and to further impart information to citizens.
             departments. GIS-based dashboards and live maps
                                                              Recovery: GIS assists in recovery efforts by restoring
             provide authoritative data that allows departments to  the affected area to normal. This includes making
             make informed decisions. Response to disaster and
             emergencies involve the following stages:        decisions that address short-term and long-term
                                                              requirements; such as medical care, shelter, food,
             Prevention: A successful prevention plan involves  rebuilding, reemployment, and the repair of essential
             comprehensive planning and analysis to minimize the  infrastructure. GIS also plays an important role in the
             effects, reduce loss, and a proactive approach to the  assessment of damage and losses to further identify
             plan. GIS technology provides the capability to map  priorities for reconstruction and determine actions for
             and analyze all types of hazards to visualize potential  various field operations such as first aid and health,
             impacts. Based on the inputs of impact on        transportation routes.
             infrastructure and population, vulnerabilities can be
                                                              Building resilience through better awareness and
             identified to establish priorities.
                                                              preparedness is the need of the hour. Adopting to crisis
             The Karnataka State Natural Disaster Monitoring  management life cycle framework boosts efforts
             Centre (KSNDMC)uses a GIS dashboard to monitor the  towards prevention for what comes next. At a time
             rainfall across the state, on a real-time basis, from the  when every  second counts, understanding and
             data shared by rain sensors installed at various  decoding the "where" factor is key to prevention,
             locations.  The live data captured is used to predict any  preparedness, response, and recovery.
             potential flooding incidents due to heavy rainfall,  GIS plays a vital role in addressing risk scenarios;
             identify affected locations, and push advisories through
                                                              however, its widespread  adoption in emergency
             SMS to be potentially impacted areas.
                                                              operations needs to be fully accelerated to ensure the
             Preparedness: Authorities develop action plans as an  disasters of the future are less catastrophic. With the
             effective  response to an emergency.  With GIS   utilization of GIS technology fostering risk analysis,
             interactive maps, authorities view critical information  planning, situational awareness, recovery operations,
             in layers and make data-driven informed decisions. GIS  and enhanced collaboration, disaster response will
             supports preparedness through a disaster         continue to improve and ultimately provide a better
             management system that involves visualizing and  and safer environment for people. (Source : India TV)

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