Page 26 - Risk Management Bulletin Jan- Mar 2021
P. 26



             Risk Prevention:                                 Fourth Party Risk:
             The process of minimizing accidental loss by     Similar to third party risk, fourth party risk also refers
             anticipating and preventing the occurrence of    to risk that arises from a firm's dealings with external
             unplanned events. In its broadest form, risk prevention  parties. Whereas third party risk arises from the firm's
             incorporates a wide range of elements including  direct interactions with external parties (e.g. suppliers,
             worker safety and health, environmental affairs,  vendors, agents etc.), fourth party risk arises from the
             property conservation, fire protection, security, transit,  relationships that those third parties have with other
             product safety, third-party liability, and contractual  organizations.
                                                              Inherent Risk:
             Black Swan Event:                                represents the level of risk that would be faced if the
             Black swan events are a risk events that are far outside  organization were to accept the risk without taking
             of what is normally expected and have potentially  any steps to mitigate it. It is usually calculated as
             severe consequences. Black swan events are typically  the product of inherent likelihood times the
             characterized by their extreme rarity, their severe  inherent impact of an event. Inherent risk is generally
             impact, and the widespread belief that they are  rated higher than residual risk, which is the rating of
             unpredictable and therefore impossible to plan for.  a risk after risk mitigations have been taken into
             Cost of Risk:
             A measure of the cost of managing risks and incurring  Integrated Risk Management (IRM):
             losses. Total cost of risk is the sum of all aspects of an  "A continuous, proactive, systematic approach to
             organization's operations that relate to risk, including  identifying, assessing, understanding, acting on, and
             retained (uninsured) losses and related loss adjustment  communicating risk from an organization-wide,
             expenses, risk control costs, transfer costs, and  aggregate perspective." IRM is typically viewed as
             administrative costs.                            synonymous with enterprise risk management (ERM),
                                                              although some practitioners prefer the term IRM to
             Credit Risk:                                     emphasize that the discipline is pulling together risk
             Relates to the risk that an organization will incur losses  management practices from across an organization
             due to the default or downgrade of a counterparty (e.g.,  into a unified framework.
             customer, investee , swap counterparty. As an example
             if a customer does not pay an account receivable this  Key Risk Indicators (KRIs):
             would represent a crystallized credit risk.      These are empirical metrics that indicate that a risk
                                                              event may happen in the near future (leading
             Enterprise Risk Management (ERM):                indicator) or that a risk event has already occurred
             Enterprise risk management (ERM) is the process by  (trailing or lagging indicator). For example, if a
             which the board and management of an organization  company has a large portfolio of variable interest rate
             identify and manage risks to the organization, its  debt then it has market risk related to interest rates.
             strategic objectives and its stakeholders. ERM shares  A key risk leading indicator in this case may be several
             common perspectives with other risk management   domestic central bank interest rate increases, interest
             disciplines.                                     rate increases in other countries.

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