Page 24 - Risk Management Bulletin Jan- Mar 2021
P. 24


                       Here's how GIS helps in better

                                 Disaster Management

             F       rom climate change to natural disasters,  vaccine, GIS real-time spatial mapping and analysis

                                                              capabilities will play a key  role in the efficient
                     pandemics to man-made disasters, all have
                     impacted millions of people worldwide. India
                     is ranked as the 14th most vulnerable country
             in the world due to extreme weather-related events.  Mr. Kumar further says "GIS provides the ability to add
                                                              updates from remote locations for incident
             Out of 36 States and Union Territories (UTs) in India,  management and supplies rapid damage assessment
             27 are disaster-prone.                           and more accurate recovery operations. As rebuilding
             Around the year, India witnesses various weather  begins, GIS aids local, state, and central government
             events such as extremely heavy rainfall, heat and cold  agencies with technology that supports collaboration
             waves, snowfall, thunderstorms, dust storms, floods,  between multiple organizations. An enterprise GIS
             etc. Such events are a consequence of either natural  platform that stores and manages all relevant
             or man-made factors; both cause high loss of life,  information provides a common operating picture to
             property, and infrastructure. According to a report by  all the stakeholders."
             National Disaster Management Authority, in India, 12%  GIS is an integral part of the disaster management
             of the total land area is prone to floods; 68% is  lifecycle; the preparedness stage of the pre-disaster
             vulnerable to droughts, landslides, and avalanches,  situation followed by during and post-disaster which is
             58.6%of landmass is earthquake-prone, and out of  attributed to response and recovery and rehabilitation
             7,516 km coastline,5,700 km is prone to cyclones.  efforts.GIS provides accurate spatial data and insights to
             Today, India has made tremendous progress in     disaster response strategies and enables visualization of
             forecasting disasters using Geographic Information  critical vulnerabilities and damage. This capability of GIS
             System (GIS) technology. During the 2019 and 2020  was demonstrated in the Nepal earthquake tragedy in
             cyclones Hudhud, Gaja, Amphan, and Nisarga, GIS  2015. The technology was applied for guiding
             played an instrumental role in emergency         emergency responders to affected areas and mapping
             preparedness through planning and analysis and saved  the impact to coordinate the relief effort.
             many lives. GIS fosters improved environmental   GIS-based applications inculcated interactive maps
             understanding, strategic decision making, monitoring  showing the earthquake locations, intensity, health
             of climate change impact, and ascertaining future risks.  facilities, base camps, and damage assessment. Also,
             The technology has been applied across various   the application acted as a common platform for data
             sectors including water, agriculture, healthcare, urban  collection around incident reporting for infrastructure
             planning, among many others.                     damage or fire and information dissemination to relief
             Agendra Kumar, President, Esri India Technology Pvt  workers involved in providing aid to those affected by
             Ltd which is into mapping and spatial analytics  the devastation.
             solutions, says, "In healthcare, GIS supported at the  Preparedness is the key to the success of any disaster
             frontline against the global pandemic Corona Virus  management plan and GIS technology is one of the key
             disease 2019 (COVID-19) battle through mapping   enablers. Mainstreaming GIS into all the phases of
             existing cases, planning quarantine centres and  disaster management planning presents an
             hospital infrastructure capacities, identifying hotspots  opportunity to better prepare and expedite and
             and vulnerable populations. Now, as the government  magnify the impact of planning and relief efforts
             prepares to roll out the distribution of the COVID-19  through greater efficiency.

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