Page 20 - Insurance Times March 2021
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scale." Thus, enabling not just the larger carriers, but  Let's categorise the gaps in four high level
         carriers of all sizes. AI is nowhere yet close to the level  categories and see how AI is enabling start-ups
         where it can entirely replace humans, except in movies.
         However, AI has now reached a level where it can be the  to address these gaps:
         best tool that humans can use to deliver their services  Data Gaps: A data gap is created when some data fields
         better. Insurance has the unique challenge of very low  are needed for data analytics-based decisions but the insurer
         customer engagement and customer loyalty. AI can be a  is not able to capture them. Players are attempting to
         great asset to enable insurers to engage with every single  provide external data about the customers. They are
         customer at a personalized level and create the much  leveraging machine learning-based de-duplication and linking
         needed connection - financially and emotionally.     technologies to identify a unique customer and then provide
                                                                                      additional data about the data
                                                                                      subject from external data
                                                                                      sources. Some players are
                                                                                      helping insurers digitize their
                                                                                      internal data by improving
                                                                                      data capture at each stage of
                                                                                      insurance operations. For
                                                                                      example, optical character
                                                                                      recognition (OCR) and then
                                                                                      natural language processing
                                                                                      (NLP) are used to capture and
                                                                                      logically store data from
                                                                                      existing physical documents.

                                                                                      Process gaps: A process gap
                                                                                      is created when new
                                                                                      technologies having the
                                                                                      potential to transform one or
                                                                                      more steps in insurance value
                                                                                      chain become available, but
                                                                                      the insurer is not able to
                      IMAGE 2- How Companies around the world are using AI?           adopt it. Building standalone
         Machine learning (ML): Techniques that automatically  machine-learning based predictive models for different
                                                              stages of the insurance value chain to predict propensities
         learn from the data. All predictive models fall in this category.
         Generally, this is what business users understand when they  related to fraud, cross-sell, up-sell, retention, claims, and
                                                              so on, is one of the quickest ways to enter the insurtech
         hear the term AI. ML based solutions can add value to
         insurers - irrespective of the mode of delivery - delivered as  space and hence is one of the most crowded areas. In the
         a standalone model (standalone AI), or delivered as a part  last couple of years embedding AI in processes, services and
                                                              products, to deliver an 'intelligent' or customized package
         of a process, service or product (embedded AI).
                                                              has become an area which is attracting a lot of attention
         Symbolic AI (SAI): Techniques that don't automatically  and it's expected to continue this year. Robotic process
         learn from the data. Human experts are needed to create  automation (RPA) players are using SAI to create a large set
         the business rules. Underwriting or claim rules coded in IT  of complex rules to improve degree of automation in
         systems are examples of this category. Insurers already have  insurance processes.
         in-house capabilities for creating and implementing complex
         business rules.                                      Blockchain players are primarily relying on a different IT
                                                              technology (the distributed ledger) and aspects related to
         Hence, SAI packaged as ML and delivered in standalone AI  smart contracts - in reality they are simplified contracts,
         mode is highly unlikely to survive through the later stages  based on federated rules- which are handled through SAI.
         of the AI hype cycle. Real value can only be added through  For reasons of speed, efficiency and customer satisfaction
         embedded AI mode.                                    there's a growing appetite among insurers to accept

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