Page 25 - Insurance Times March 2021
P. 25

calculate payout. Meanwhile, Indian company ICICI    future insight about customer's preferences and tailoring
         Lombard has created an AI-based cashless claims settlement  relevant products. Health insurance companies are coming
         process, which can be completed in just a minute.    up with rewarding pre-emptive care that is focused on
                                                              encouraging customers to look after their personal well
         Development of insurance product                     being. If a person remains healthy, companies don't need
         according to needs:                                  to invest in claim payment and management process.

         At the heart of artificial intelligence lie data, and the  For instance, Aditya Birla Health Insurance has planned
         availability of data in the insurance workflow. With good  wellness benefits to encourage customers to stay healthy.
         quality data and machine learning for helping to define  AI's predictive algorithms scan past year's claim activities
         algorithms and business processes, insurers can be in a  and hospitalization data to provide incentives to customers
         better position to know when and how to communicate  to improve health & wellness. This way, health risks will be
         with the consumer. The industry can begin to gain a better  minimized and so will be the company's resources. Thus,
         insight into individual consumer habits, their needs  nowadays, start-ups leverage AI's unique potential to scour
         according to life stages - such as home, location, family and  through piles of claim data and coverage patterns to be
         social activities - as well as preferences.          more proactive and anticipate health risks at individual level
                                                              before they actually transpire.
         This puts insurers on the road to creating a more seamless
         way of selling insurance, towards an optimum mix of  By automating and applying cognitive learning to their data
         insurance products for a particular customer, at the most  collection processes, forward-thinking insurance companies,
         appropriate time and across the right channels. Changes are  including AIA Singapore, are also advancing their customer
         coming and creating a less invasive, more responsive  profiling capabilities. Equipped with the power to unify and
         experience for policyholders. Using public records data and  derive insights from their internal and external customer
         other risk attributes where applicable (such as medical
                                                              data, insurers are able to build a more comprehensive
         history, prescription history, contributory databases)
                                                              picture of their customers, such as their insurance needs,
         consumers can experience quicker, better processes and  interests and life stages, for more effective targeting.
         allowing insurers to set appropriate life insurance premiums.
         We refer to it as the use of social determinants for  Insurers can segment their audience based on these
         healthcare risk stratification.
                                                              attributes, and use deep learning to predict the conversion
                                                              rate of these segments. With such insight, insurers can then
         Another area insurance companies are using AI is to inform  decide the relevant product recommendations for each
         their product and policy design, By streamlining and speeding  customer segment. Insurance companies are also enhancing
         up the collection and analysis of massive data from owned  customer profiling with AI-enabled voice and facial
         channels, third-party sources and agents, insurers can use
                                                              recognition, which helps create biological customer profiles
         machine learning to discover customer trends and interests
                                                              for fast and accurate verification, as well as the tracking of
         in real time. These insights are then being used to develop
                                                              behaviors and attributes.
         and improve product and policy design. Chinese online-only
         insurance company, ZhongAn, is a company that continually
         releases innovative products and policies, many of which are  Marketing and relevant products:
         developed with the help of advanced AI techniques such as  Being a part of the competitive market, insurers need to
         machine learning and image recognition. For example, they  capitalize on a vital marketing strategy which goes beyond
         came up with niche policies to insure against cracked mobile  the traditional cold calling approach. The old blanket
         screens and shipping return products.                methods are on the verge of extinction since digital
                                                              disruption has already shaken the grounds of insurance field.
         Predictive Analytics for proactive                   Customers today seek sophisticated, luxurious and
                                                              extremely personalized services with custom sales tactics.
         measures:                                            Using the combined power of predictive analytics, NLP and
         Predictive Analytics backed by Machine Learning is now  AI in the insurance industry, agents can gain access to the
         perhaps the heart of intelligent services across many  full profile of customers and prospects. This data can be
         business verticals that have adopted AI-powered solutions.  further analyzed to generate mature insight, accurate
         However, this smart capability is not just aimed at driving  predictions on customer preferences and what exact

                                                                          The Insurance Times, March 2021 25
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