Page 29 - Insurance Times March 2021
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the public money reaches the public. As a policy,
         Government should also work on making people aware about
         this technology.

         The Future of AI in Insurance:

         While challenges appear to dismay the present market,
         insurers still like to view the potential of AI in the Insurance
         industry with optimistic eyes. To reap full range of benefits,
         insurance companies need to devise an enterprise-level
         strategy to implement AI in such a way that it offers more
         than just customer experience. When it comes to image
         recognition, the overall damage analysis, cost estimation
         and claim settlement would be carried out by bots that scan
         through pictures and videos. This way, with time, companies  globalization, no country can isolate itself from the impact
         can rely completely on image recognition technology for first  of the advances in technology.
         level claim automation and subsequently, settle claims or  However, the benefits can be maximized and losses can be
         resolve fraud detection in insurance automatically.
                                                              minimized by putting necessary infrastructure and policy in
                                                              place. Though several countries have decided their strategy
         AI has the potential to transform the insurance experience
                                                              for AI, India has not yet formulated its strategy. Use of
         for customers from frustrating and bureaucratic to   artificial intelligence and analytics will significantly improve
         something fast, on-demand, and more affordable. Tailor-
                                                              customer experience. A shift from push products (traditional
         made insurance products will attract more customers at  plans) to pull products (pure protection) driven by
         fairer prices. If insurers apply AI tech to the mountain of  awareness among the internet population is expected. The
         data at their disposal, we will soon start to see more flexible  industry will see more byte-sized products distributed
         insurance such as on-demand pay-as-you-go insurance, and  through technology advancement.
         premiums that automatically adjust in response to accidents,
         customer health, etc.
                                                              To get ahead, insurers are using advanced analytics,
                                                              machine learning and other AI-driven tools to compete with
         We will see insurance become more personalized, because
         insurers using AI tech will be able to understand better what  agile new players and elevate the customer experience.
         their customers need. Insurers will be able to realize cost  According to a study by PwC, more than 80 percent of
                                                              insurance CEOs said AI was already a part of their business
         savings by speeding up workflows. They will also discover
         new revenue streams as AI-driven analysis opens up new  model or would be within the next three years.
         business and cross-selling opportunities. Most importantly,  Bibliography:
         the AI solutions described above can make it easier for  1.
         customers to interact with insurance companies. This could  insurance/
         result in people being more likely to purchase insurance.
         Artificial Intelligence (AI) is likely to transform the way we  cover-story/your-money-in-2020/story/392570.html
         live and work. Due to its high potential, its adoption is being  3.
         treated as the fourth industrial revolution. As with any major  insurance/role-of-ai-in-the-indian-insurance-industry-
         advancement in technology, it brings with it a spectrum of  and-its-potential-3532
         opportunities as well as challenges. On one hand, several  4.
         applications have been developed or under development   services/competing-in-a-new-age-of-insurance.pdf, June
         with potential to improve the quality of life significantly. As  2019
         per a study, it is expected to double the annual economic
         growth rate of 12 developed countries by 2035. On the other  5.
         hand, there is a possibility of loss of jobs. As per the available
         reports, the loss of jobs during the next 10-20 years is  6.
         estimated to be 47% in the US, 35% in the UK, 49% in Japan,  artificial-intelligence-is-progressing-in-mental-
         40% in Australia, and 54% in the EU. In the era of      healthcare-

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