Page 24 - Insurance Times March 2021
P. 24

It also achieved a 57 percent increase in accuracy in fraud  through a fraud detection algorithm before sending wire
         detection from the previous year. From fraud detection to  instructions to the bank to pay for the claim settlement.
         underwriting, AI technologies are reimagining every facet
         of APAC's booming insurance industry. By reducing the risks  Advanced underwriting:
         and streamlining processes, it can help companies drive
                                                              IoT and tracking devices yield an explosion of valuable data
         efficiencies and deliver more personalized products and  which can be utilized to make the process of determining
         services - the key to future success.
                                                              insurance premium upright and regulated. Fitness and
                                                              vehicle tracking system in both health and auto insurance
         From smart chatbots that offer quick customer service round  sector give rise to the dynamic, intelligent underwriting
         the clock to the array of machine learning technologies that
                                                              algorithms that cleverly control the way premium is
         spruce up the functioning of any workplace through its
                                                              dictated. Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning,
         automation power, the expanding potential of Artificial  insurers can save a lot of time and resources involved in
         Intelligence in Insurance is already being used in many ways,  underwriting process and tedious questions and surveys, and
         as covered in our last blog. With increased awareness and  automate the process. Insurance bots can automatically
         resources about the game-changing influence of AI in the
                                                              explore a customer's general economy and social profile to
         Insurance industry, the initial hesitations and shallow
                                                              determine their living patterns, lifestyle, risk factors and
         discomfort around the its implementation are now fading
                                                              financial stability.
         quickly as it begins to trust in the caliber and numerous
         opportunities brought forward by Artificial Intelligence and  Customers who are more regular in their financial patterns
         Machine Learning.
                                                              are qualified to feel safe through low premiums. Since AI is
                                                              more capable of strict scrutiny of gathered data, it can
         The only question that remains is - how far can we push its  predict the amount of risk involved, protect companies from
         capabilities? AI-based chatbots can be implemented to  frauds and give justified insurance amount to customers.
         improve the current status of claim process run by multiple  MetroMile, a US-based start-up, has established such
         employees. Driven by Artificial Intelligence, touchless  dynamic underwriting system known as 'pay-per-mile' where
         insurance claim process can remove excessive human
                                                              usage of a car determines insurance premium. Here, an AI-
         intervention and can report the claim, capture damage,
                                                              based device installed on the vehicle by the company uses a
         update the system and communicate with the customer all  special algorithm to monitor miles, jerks, collisions and
         by itself. Such effortless process will have clients filing their  frictions, speed patterns and other car struggles on the
         claims without much hassle for e.g. an AI-powered claims  road, and it collects detailed data essential to decide
         bot can review the claim, verify policy details and pass it
                                                              whether or not drivers deserve low premiums.

                                                                                The process of underwriting is often
                                                                                viewed as an art based on personal
                                                                                judgment, but AI technologies have
                                                                                also worked their way into this area of
                                                                                insurance, making the process
                                                                                increasingly scientific. Insurers are now
                                                                                using advanced analytics and machine
                                                                                learning, as well as additional sources
                                                                                such as satellites and the Internet of
                                                                                Things devices, to help get a more
                                                                                holistic view of risk, as well as to
                                                                                determine which submissions to
                                                                                review in the first place. Japanese
                                                                                insurance firm Fukuoka Mutual, for
                                                                                instance, has been using a cognitive
                                                                                machine learning based system to
                                                                                scan medical records and data on
                        IMAGE 5- Application of  Artificial Intelligence        surgeries and hospital stays to

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