Page 23 - Insurance Times March 2021
P. 23

as the customer experience. There are also numerous  appropriate medical advice. In case it finds necessary, it
         startups that are providing AI solutions for insurers and  advises the patient to approach the doctor immediately.
         customers. I will cover a few interesting cases here.
                                                              Auto Insurance:
         Health Insurance:                                    As far back as 2017, US insurer Liberty Mutual unveiled a

         Over the years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools have been  new developer portal through its innovation incubator
         used to fill gaps in mental health care: be it the diagnosis or  Solaria Labs. This open API portal combines public data with
         detection of the early signs of mental health issues. In a  proprietary insurance data to enable the creation of better
         world where the cost and complexity of health insurance is  insurance products for customers. One such product was
         increasing, Accolade Inc's Maya Intelligence platform uses  reportedly a mobile app that allows drivers involved in
         machine learning to help patients and employers select the  accidents to assess damage to their car in real-time using
         most relevant and cost effective health insurance coverage.  their Smartphone camera.
         In 2018, SwissRe and Max Bupa Health entered into a
         partnership with Indian fitness tech startup GOQii Health.  The app would also provide repair cost estimates. The AI
         GOQii uses data from wearable devices and their own AI-  powering the app will be trained using thousands of images
         driven 'wellness engine' to track health vitals and provide  of car accidents. Ant Financial, the Chinese fintech firm part
         healthy living advice and risk reports to individual users.  of the Chinese giant Alibaba Group, released software called
         When partnering with or acquiring these AI and tech-driven  Ding Sun Bao to analyze car accident damage and process
         startups, insurers are betting that it will lead to fewer claim  claims. Ding Sun Bao uses machine vision, enabling drivers
         payouts and more attractive premiums for health insurance  to take pictures of their damaged car using their
         customers down the line.                             Smartphone camera.

         The ability of AI algorithms to locate the relevant  Self-driving car is a high-potential application of AI. Several
         information has been found to be of great use. Watson for  companies including Google, Uber, and Tesla are testing
         Oncologists developed by IBM helps a doctor in finding the  their models on the roads. In Singapore, driver-less bus is
         relevant material from a large number of papers/documents  being run under trial. So far very few accidents have been
         which could be of use in the case at hand. It analyzes both  reported and the analysis shows that probability of accident
         structured and unstructured data. AI is helping in providing  with driverless cars is less than human driven cars.
         personalized treatment to the patients. Every patient is a  It is expected that the number of accidents by self-driving
         different individual and may need a different treatment.  cars will be much smaller than the human-driven cars Self-
         Further, a disease may have thousands of subtypes requiring  driving cars use light detection and ranging (LiDar)
         different treatments consisting of a combination of drugs.
                                                              technique which uses laser beams to create 3D image of
                                                              the physical world around the car. It uses laser beams to
         For instance, it is being realized that cancer has thousands
                                                              calculate the distance, speed and shape of the moving
         of subtypes and each subtype requires different combination
                                                              objects like another car, pedestrians, etc. Apart from roads,
         of drugs for effective treatment. On the other hand,
         pharmaceutical companies rely on large-scale randomized  the technology can be used by those who can't walk due to
         clinical trials for testing new drugs. This limits the number  physical limitations. Several companies are competing with
         of cases, it would be effective. This is why treatment often  each other in this area of technology.
         requires a trial and error approach. Once we have
         sufficiently large database of cancer cases, it becomes  Fraud Detection & Claims:
         possible to find cases similar to the case in hand and there  To combat fraud, insurers are using AI-driven predictive
         is a good probability that the treatment found to be  analytics software to process thousands of claims each
         effective in the earlier cases would be effective in the  month. By analyzing the claims in milliseconds based on set
         present case too Some companies are developing AI-based  rules and indicators, AI is able to identify which may not be
         systems which can provide consultation. It provides  legitimate, reducing the number of fraudulent claims slipping
         consultation to the user based on the symptoms reported.  through. These indicators include things such as frequency
         It asks the user few simple questions in spoken natural  of claims, past behavior and credit score. By leveraging
         language and the user can answer in natural language. It  machine learning, Chinese Insurer Ping An saved itself $302
         searches a large database of symptoms and provides the  million from fraudulent claims in one year.

                                                                          The Insurance Times, March 2021 23
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