Page 20 - RMAI BULLETIN Jan - Mar 2020
P. 20


             likely to happen such as the loss that could likely to  they occur. It includes the possibility to set aside a
             result if lightning strikes an individual’s home or the  contingency fund to pay for the larger losses. Please
             firm’s building. The maximum possible loss is an  mind that such retention of risk may be either a
             estimate of the worst possible loss that might result  deliberate decision or a result of a failure to recognize
             fromthelightning.                                thatsuchriskwhenexisted.
             An example to illustrate the difference may be in order.  Factors determining risk financing
             Say, in a flood a firm’s plant is destroyed. It is estimated
             that the cost of debris removal, costs for restoration of  decisions:
             the plant, the cost of replacement etc., will total Rs.2  A number of factors are considered by individuals
             Crores.ThemaximumpossiblelossisthusRs.2crore. It  before making risk-financing decisions or choosing the
             is also estimated that a flood causing more than Rs.1.5  category appropriate to them out of the three available
             Croreofdamagetothefirm’splantisveryunlikely.Such  options, risk retention, risk reduction and risk transfer.
             a flood is unlikely to occur more than once in 40 years,  Thefactorsinclude
             aninfrequentoccurrence.                          • Expectedcost
                                                              • FinancialPosition
             in the process of risk management, it is necessary to  • DegreeofRiskAversion
             examine two facets of loss exposures; namely, possible  • ExternalConstraints
             severity of loss and the possible frequency or
                                                              The expected value and the variabilityof cost of various
             probability of loss. It is the size and probability of the  risk-financing options are prime considerations in
             potential loss that influences what has to be done
                                                              regard to the choice people make. The financial
             about a particular exposure.   Measurement of
                                                              position of the individual making the choice also
             potential severity is required for classifying risks  influenceshis/herdecision.Thedegreeofriskaversion
             whether a particular exposure to risk or loss is
                                                              of the individual will also be an influencing factor in the
                                                              choice of risk-financing decision. Finally, the choice of
             RiskRetention:                                   an individual of the type of risk financing he or she
                                                              makes may be constrained by external factors. e.g.
             Meeting the loss costs by the individual or family by
                                                              Motor owners are constrained by legislation in many
             internalizing them is called risk retention. The losses
             that are internalized would be financed out of one’s  countries to the purchase of motor vehicle insurance.
             own income or wealth. While the decision to retain a  Another example is the constraint that insurance be
                                                              purchased for the purpose of protecting the collateral.
                                                              When financial institutions extend credit or provide
             be a conscious decision of the individual or family.
                                                              loans for home purchase or car purchase, they impose
             Losses that do occur when prior planning for their
             financing has been done are also retained. In many  a condition that the debtors purchase property
             cases, it may be a “default option” or an involuntary  insurance.
             option if the option of loss transfer is not available or is  Risk transfer & insurance as the it’s best
             not affordable or if the individual is unaware of the loss  method:
                                                              While one end of the risk-financing continuum, as
             The expected cost of risk financing through the method  mentioned earlier, is risk retention, the other end of
             of risk retention involves an uncertain amount for  the continuum is risk transfer. In risk transfer, the
             which the individual or family must be prepared.  financial impact of loss is shifted to another party. Risk
             Retention is resorted to when no other risk      transfer involves agreement by the transferee to
             management treatment is available like when      assume the loss or risk that the transferor is desirous of
             insurance coverage is not available or very expensive.  escaping. The process of risk transfer involves a
             Further, non-insurance transfer may be unavailable.  payment by the transferor to the risk bearer or
             Thus, retention may in fact be a residual method.  transferee. It is normally done through insurance.
             Retention can be effectively used when the potential  Through the process of transfer, the degree of risk is
             losses are highly predictable. It is also said that “the  sometimes reduced as the transferee may be in a
             more risk averse the less the retention”. It is the easiest  position to predict loss by applying the law of large
             & the cheapest way of dealing with relatively small  numbers. Transfer of Risk can be through non-
             losses to pay them out of one’s own resources when  insuranceorinsuranceagreements.

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