Page 21 - RMAI BULLETIN Jan - Mar 2020
P. 21


             It is the process by which the activities that creates risk  Commercial insurance is a technique of transferring
             istransferred–like-                              risk from one party (individual or business) for whom
             1. Transferring of the process like – engaging a sub-  the risk is costly to another party who is willing and is
                 contractor for processing hazardous substances or  able to bear the risk. Insurance is thus one of a number
                 the hazardous processes like spray painting / in a  of available instruments for hedging risk. It is an
                 marriage ceremony we now engage professional  instrument for post loss financing. Purchase of medical
                 caterers for arranging the meals for the guests &  insurance is an appropriate strategy for controlling loss
                 relatives–therebytheresponsibilityistransferred.  exposuresthathaveahighseverityoflosscoupledwith
                                                              a low probability of loss. It is not proposed to discuss
             2. Transferring the activities by contract – like
                 engaging a contractor for constructing your house  here the important principles underlying the
                 within your budget. Contractor should insure the  mechanism of insurance, such as principle of
                 entire project covering all the sources of damages,  indemnity, principle of insurable interest, the concept
                 possible material losses and related third party  of beneficiary, the principle of subrogation, and the
                                                              principle of utmost good faith, as they are covered in
                 liabilities to others (even covering the
                 contingenciesrelatedtohisemployees).         materialrelatingtoinsurance.

             3. Insuranceisthebestmethod&adequatemeasures     Insurance as an economic institution operates on the
                 of risk transfer. Under Risk Transfer, Risk financing
                                                              principle of risk pooling and risk reduction, besides a
                 is included which involves creating special /
                                                              mechanism of risk transfer. Pooling is the sharing of
                 internal funds to meet any unforeseen event.
                                                              total losses among a group. The aggregate amount of
                 Insurance is always recognized as the best method
                                                              uncertainty is brought down facilitating risk reduction
                                                              by “combining under one management a group of
                                                              objects or persons so that the total losses to which the
             Insurance is considered a special form of the technique
                                                              insured group is subject becomes predictable within
             of risk-transfer. It is, on one side, an economic or social
                                                              narrow limits”. Through this process, the overall risk for
             institution designed to perform certain special
                                                              the group is reduced and the resultant losses are
             functions and on the other, as a legal contract between  pooled, generally through the method of payment of
             two parties, the insured (transferor) and the insurer  an insurance premium. Thus, the insured, through the
             (transferee). Taking the latter aspect first, in certain
                                                              mechanism of insurance, transfer specific risks to the
                                                              group and exchange a potentially large and uncertain
             be to purchase insurance. This is because of the
                                                              loss for a relatively small certain payment, i.e. the
             insurer’s ability to efficiently handle risk through the
             It does not, however, imply that an automatic
             assumptionthattheonlywaytohandleaparticularrisk  They are techniques (other than insurance) by which a
             exposure is insurance. Such an assumption is not  risk exposure and its potential financial losses are
             warranted. Some of the corporate risk managers, in  transferred to another party who is in a better position
             fact, use insurance as a last resort, when other risk  to exercise loss control. A number of instances of non-
             management techniques are not considered adequate  insurance transfers can be cited. A computer lease
             bythemselves.                                    agreement by a firm may contain a clause to the effect
                                                              that maintenance, repairs etc., of the computer are the
             The size of the potential loss determines the amount of  responsibility of the computer firm. A publishing firm
             insurance that should be purchased, once a decision is  may specify that the author and not the publisher are
             made to transfer risk. If the amount of insurance is  legally liable for plagiarism, if any. This kind of
             higherthanisrequired,thenanindividualorafirmmay  arrangementmayincludethefollowing:-
             be saddling himself or itself with unwarranted (and  1. HoldHarmlessAgreements;
             sometimes, may be unbearable and excessive costs).  2. Diversification;
             On the other side, if the amount of insurance
                                                              3. Hedging;
             purchased is low, then the individual or firm may be
                                                              1. Hold Harmless Agreements:   Many kinds of

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