Page 27 - The Insurance Times June 2020
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awareness should be created for overcoming prior cautiously managed and implemented properly succeed may
misconception and lack of trust in the insurance not come from the product.
X Changing the mind-set: People's mindset should be The ideas presented in this report highlights the fact that
changed to make health insurance affordable to the countries willing to initiate health insurance as one of the
means of ensuring universal coverage need to be flexible in
terms of testing and adopting strategies and policies to
X Comprehending risk-pooling: A Comprehensive risk implement health insurance in their own country context.
pooling strategy should be made to pay premium for
the health insurance. Revisiting and restructuring policies at several stages of
X Trust in the provider: From the insurance provider's health insurance scheme played a vital role for countries to
side, easy and hassle free service should be ensured. achieve targets. The same mechanism can have a different
impact in different settings depending on the stage of
X Community leaders and members should be trained and
development of a particular country and its social, political
engaged to popularize the insurance scheme and to and economic.
create a mindset and willingness to pay
X In a nutshell, Micro health insurance has the potentiality It might reflect to be effective for a country to have
to be financially sustainable in the country for ensuring different types of health insurance co-existing to serve
universal health coverage for the people of different groups of the population or have various types
Bangladesh. follow each other in succession. In Bangladesh this scheme
will be successful in the mentioned areas.
X Micro health insurance should be aligned with health
care and wellbeing of national SDG
X Importance of health insurance should be part of 1. Ahsan S. M. Microinsurance, Poverty and Vulnerability, in
medical education Lazar, D., and M. Deo, Eds. Micro Finance: Performance
Evaluation and Enterprise Development, 504-15, Chennai:
X Partnership Projects involving multiple stakeholder
Allied Publishers, January 2009.
District wise like : telcos, NGO,Insurance companies,
2. Ahsan S. M., Hamid S. A. and Barua S. Demand for Micro
health service providers
Health Insurance in Rural Bangladesh, Dhaka: Institute of
X Upgrading small clinics into modern healthcare Microfinance, 2013.
X Private initiatives for building hospitals 3. Pocket Payments in Rural Bangladesh. InM Working Paper
No. 13 Dhaka: Institute of Microfinance, 2012.
X Knowledge sharing with hospitals abroad
4. Ahsan S. M., Khalily M. A. B., Hamid S. A., Barua S. and
X Digitalization of health care Barua S. The Microinsurance Market in Bangladesh: An
X Health Insurance should be mandatory for Government Analytical Review, Dhaka: Institute of Microfinance, 2013a.
employee and private sector 5. Ahsan, S. M., Khalily, M. A. B., Hamid. S. A., Barua, S. and
Barua, S. Risk and Deprivation Facing the Rural Poor
X More trainings of medical stuff
Households, Dhaka: Institute of Microfinance, 2013b.
X Incentives for medical for staying in remote areas 6. Ahsan, S. M. and Mahmud, M. Micro Health Insurance:
X Govt subsidy for micro insurance premium Scale, Delivery and Regulatory Challenges. Bangladesh
Health Watch Report 2011, Dhaka: BRAC, 2012.
X ONE TEAM ONE GOAL- Micro Health Insurance for
7. Ahuja, R., and J. Jutting. Design of Incentives in Community
Everyone (Regulator, Ministry, Health service provider)
Based Health Insurance. Working Paper Number 95, Indian
Council for research on International Economics Relations,
Conclusion 2003.
Health insurance policy is usually considered as market 8. Carrin, G. Community based Health Insurance Schemes in
failure due to measure and monitor of the services. This Developing Countries: facts, problems and perspectives.
makes health financing complex. When a program is not Geneva: World Health Organisation, 2003.
The Insurance Times, June 2020 27