Page 28 - The Insurance Times June 2020
P. 28
to lives and property located in the affected areas. Hence,
Introduction: there is an urgent need for the insurance industry to take
immediate steps to mitigate the hardships of the affected
All the insurance companies have received over hundreds
of claims for damage to property in the aftermath of insured population by ensuring immediate registration and
settlement of eligible claims.
cyclone 'Amphan', which left behind a trail of destruction in
West Bengaland Odisha. At least 86 people were killed and
Insurers are advised to initiate immediate steps for quick
lakhs were rendered homeless after the cyclone battered a
dozen districts in Bengal, including state capital Kolkata, on registration and disposal of claims on the following lines: -
May 20, 2020. In Odishathe impact was little bit lesser. After a. Please nominate a senior officer at the company level
cyclone 'Amphan' caused widespread destructions in West who would act as a Nodal Officer for the affected
Bengal and Odisha, the insured losses from the calamity states. The Nodal Officer would be coordinating the
receipt, processing, and settlement of all eligible claims.
could be in the range from Rs 800 crore to Rs 1,000 Crores.
The Nodal officer should contact Chief Secretary/ Officer
concerned of the state immediately and to be in regular
The directive of IRDAI: contact thereafter.
The General Insurers may have written policies that extend
b. Similarly, District level Nodal officer may be appointed
in each affected district to liaise with DM/District
About the author Administration.
c. The contact particulars of the Nodal Officer may also
Anabil Bhattacharya be conveyed to us and the same may be given due
B.M.E. (Honours), F.I.I.I., publicity in the press and though State Govt. to enable
Retired Chief Manager, H.O. immediate filing of Claims. In addition to this 24/7 help
National Insurance Co. Ltd.
Kolkata. lines may be started.
d. If there are any death claims and death certificate is
28 The Insurance Times, June 2020