Page 30 - The Insurance Times June 2020
P. 30

17. IT Return record.
         18. In case of Bank Loan / Cash Credit, Bank Sanction Letter & latest Bank statement Submitted to Bank.
         19.  Purchase / Sales / Asset Registrars.
         20. Stock value on the date of loss.

         B. Immediate loss advice summary to be submitted to the insurer after the visit
         of all loss sites in the following format:

         Name of the Surveyor:
         Licence No.
           SL      Insured            Policy        Estimate          ILA           Location      Date of visit
           No.      Name            Number          (in lakhs)      (in lakhs)

         Submission of interim survey report in the following simplified format:

         IIISLA Membership Number                                         Date:
             License No.: SLA / ……
             Expiry Date: ……………

                                                  Report Ref. No……………..

                          INTERIM SURVEY REPORT- CYCLONE AMPHAN MAY 2020

                               Claim No. ….............................. Policy No. …………………………………..

                                      Reported Loss due to CYCLONE AMPHAN MAY 2020

                                                    A/c Insured Name.

           THE INCIDENT                          Reported Loss due to CYCLONE AMPHAN MAY 2020

           THE INSURED
           THE INSURER/s

           POLICY NUMBER/s                       ……………… Insurance Policy

                                                 No. ………………
                                                 (Policy Schedule enclosed - Enclosure 1)

           POLICY PERIOD

           CLAIM NUMBER

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