Page 34 - The Insurance Times June 2020
P. 34

of which they are made, as opposed to deterioration caused  Now let us consider the case of design defect.
         by external forces.
                                                              This is an excluded situation but it can lead to operation of
         Latent defect is a  problem with a product, property, etc.  an Insured Peril the damages thus caused can be called
         that is hard to notice and may not be noticed before it is  ensuing damages and are covered.
                                                              The element  or the property having the design defect is
         Therefore there is an element of cover here too amidst the  not payable as this is an excluded property Conversely in a
         exclusions.                                          building there is design defect let us say in one of the beams.
                                                              This design defect does not trigger any peril.
         As we all know when a Peril Triggers we look at the
         Proximate Clause of Loss.                            However due to mild Earthquake Cover the building
         The Proximate Cause is defined as:
                                                              Here the  defective condition has not led to an Insured Peril
         Proximate cause is the primary cause of a loss.      but the building has collapsed and the design defect has

                                                              contributed to the collapse of the building.
         It is not necessarily the closest cause in time or space nor
         the first event that sets in motion a sequence of events
                                                              Here the loss will not be payable.
         leading to a loss.
                                                              Excluded Peril          Insured Peril          Damage Covered
         Proximate cause produces particular, foreseeable
         consequences without the intervention of any independent  It would be interesting to read the exclusion word by word
         or unforeseeable cause.                              and then relate with what has been written above.

         It is also known as legal cause.                     Many such incidents happen and it is important to go back
                                                              to the basics of Insurance and to the wordings of the Policy.
         Let us now look at the doctrines:                    The Insurance policy is a Contract and it is a legally
                                                              enforceable contract and it is important to weigh each word
         Scenario 1:                                          of the Policy with a legal eye keeping in mind the basic
         Let us assume that a Excluded Peril triggers an Insured Peril  principles of Insurance.
         which then leads to a damage.
                                                              It may be pertinent to note here that Project Insurance
         The damage thus gets covered.                        Policies do provide for Design Defect Covers of various forms
                                                              and there are different Design Defect Cover wordings
         Rain - Flood.                                        available. T

                        IDBI Federal Life profit rises 22% to Rs. 162 crore

           IDBI Federal Life Insurance reported a 22 per cent increase in its net profit to Rs. 162 crore in 2019-20.
           "This is the eight consecutive year of profit for the organisation since it first declared profit in 2012-13," the private
           sector life insurer said in a statement.

           However, its total premium declined 4.65 per cent to Rs. 1,843 crore in 2019-20 from Rs. 1,933 crore in 2018-19.
           Renewal premium grew 14 per cent year-on-year to Rs. 1,282 crore last fiscal.
           "While 2019-20 has been a challenging year for the organisation, we have taken a number of steps to steady the
           course. We focussed on growing distribution footprint primarily through our proprietary channels, while continuing to
           strengthen bottomline parameters such as costs, surrenders, claims, profit after tax and solvency margin," said Vighnesh
           Shahane, Managing Director and CEO.

           Its solvency ratio stood at 298 per cent in 2019-20, down from 334 per cent a year ago. Assets under management
           grew seven per cent to Rs. 9,775 crore in 201920 from Rs. 9,107 crore in 2018-19.

          34  The Insurance Times, June 2020
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