Page 54 - Insurance Times November 2022
P. 54
Sr. No. Journey Period Existing (2017) Revised (2022)
1 Every unit of 24 hours Full daily halting allowance Full daily halting allowance
2 Period exceeding 12 hours Same as for 24 hour unit Same as for 24 hour unit
3 Period exceeding 6 hours 50% of the amount for a 24 hour 50% of the amount for a 24 hour
but not Exceeding 12 hours unit unit
4 Period not exceeding 6 Hrs. 30% of the amount for a 24 hour 30% of the amount for a 24 hour unit
No Daily Halting Allowance shall be paid for journey within the jurisdiction of the Surveyors Headquarters i.e.
Municipal or town limits.
(8) Photographs / Video / CDs:
Existing (2017) Revised (2022)
Charges to be reimbursed on the basis of actual Charges to be reimbursed on the basis of actual
number of digital photographs (both soft copy and hard number of digital photographs (both soft copy and
print) @ Rs.10/- per print subject to maximum of hard print) @ Rs.10/- per print subject to maximum
Rs.200/-. Bills / cash memos not to be insisted upon. of Rs.200/-. Bills I cash memos not to be insisted upon.
In addition to still / digital photographs, Videography In addition to still / digital photographs, Videography
may be encouraged and actual expenses be may be encouraged and actual expenses be
reimbursed subject to maximum of Rs.1,000/-. reimbursed subject to maximum of Rs.1,000/-.
Risk Management for Academicians and Practitioners
Author : Sonjai Kumar
This bookis written to help emergence of ERM in the backdrop of Risk-based capital,
the next generation of risk risk management framework, risk management process, risk
professionals. The book was appetite, strategy, and corporate governance (COSO and ISO
published on 7th July 2022 31000),etc. Anyone without any risk management
by Notion Press, available background can understand the subject well.
on both paperback and
The book's second half discusses challenges with corporate
kindle version on both
governance, the three lines of defence model, the
Amazon and Flipkart. Links
development of risk culture, challenges in embedding ERM
are given below.
in India,etc. The book also discusses life insurance risks and
their management. Few chapters are dedicated to the
The book covers both
development of digitalization and how it can influence risk
fundamentals of risk
management. The classic example is how driverless cars are
management and practical
going to change motor insurance. The final chapter is given
aspects of risk management faced by practicing risk
on flow charts.
professionals. The first ten chapters cover basic risk
management, enterprise risk management (ERM), the Book is available at Amazon and Flipkart.
48 November 2022 The Insurance Times