Page 56 - Insurance Times November 2022
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The  session  chair  Mr  Suresh  Mathur,  Executive  to which Mr Pankaj Tomar gave an interesting reply with a
          Director,IRDAI, stated that "an organisation must establish  philosophical touch to it,  "One is the fact which is  the
          and maintain  a sustainable  value  creation  system to  absolute truth, one is fiction just like movies, and one is
          maintain industry leadership".                      subjective truth, now it is up to science and technology to
                                                              amalgamate all the three aspects and make a reality." He
          Our First panellist, Mr Rajiv Sharan, Vice President & Senior
                                                              further iterated about accepting and incorporating ESG as
          Economist Swiss Re, talked about the protection gap and
                                                              a way of life, firms have to  modify their organisational
          retention in the insurance industry, backed by statistical data.
                                                              cultures.  Insurance companies  had to charge  different
          The  discussion continued  with  Mr Sanjay Dutta, Chief
                                                              amounts for ESG-compliant and non-compliant corporate
          Underwriting, Reinsurance, Claims & Actuarial at ICICI
          Lombard General Insurance Co. Ltd., who said, "There is
                                                              Mr Amitabh Gupta explained about the nature of Indian
          a necessity to build a product around a service experience".
                                                              Subcontinent where he said, "Indian subcontinent is very
          Mr  Anand  Pejawar,  Deputy  Managing  Director,  SBI
                                                              prone to natural disasters due to its varied demography and
          General Insurance Company  Ltd., stated, "Insurance is
                                                              topography, over it, if we exploit it, it holds high risk, and
          nothing else but trust; people buy insurance because they
                                                              that's where Insurers come in and save the day and do
          believe us, they believe the organisation, and they believe
                                                              business as well".
          insurance is the only product that will take care of their
                                                              As the discussion progressed, Mr Hersh Shah highlighted the
          necessities and requirement."
                                                              social impacts of concentrating on ESG as one cannot ignore
          Mr Joydeep Roy, Partner, PwC India FS Advisory Leader,
                                                              poverty, basic needs, etc., in a country like India. He said, "If
          Global  Health  Insurance  Practice  Leader,  joined  the
                                                              you take ESG in a boardroom as a concept, it might not sell,
          stimulating  discussion  and  elaboratively discussed the
                                                              but if you take it as a risk, it will sell faster than anything else."
          insurance industry's trust deficit. "The trust deficit has many
                                                              The discussion concluded with Mr Shrenik Baid speaking
          layers in the insurance industry from insurer to distributor,
                                                              about ESG norms where he mentioned and cleared the air
          insurer to regulator and customer to all. But this is not unique
                                                              regarding ESG modelling issues for ESG solutions and said,
          in India; only the degree differs. Trust revolves around three
                                                              "Climate change is in itself a very difficult risk to commute
          things -1. Transparency 2. Simplicity and the, most notably,
                                                              as results are predominantly catastrophic, the day we start
          3. Predictability".
                                                              using technology to compute the same, it will be easier to
                                                              manufacture models."
          Panel II
          The second-panel discussion, with the theme Value Creation  Panel III
          through Environmental, Social and Governance -ESG, was
                                                              Prof.   Manoj Kumar Pandey moderated  the third-panel
          moderated by Prof. Pratik Priyadarshi and chaired by Mr
                                                              discussion  on  the  theme  of  "Value  Creation  through
          Arun Agarwal, author, thought leader, and former founder
                                                              Customer Centricity". Mr K.K. Mishra, Former MD and CEO
          CEO of Chola MS General Insurance. In his opening remarks,
                                                              of Tata AIG General Insurance Co. Ltd. chaired the session.
          Mr  Agarwal discussed  the expanding  significance  and
                                                              Mr  Mishra  deliberated  on many  issues in his  opening
          interest of ESG investing on a global scale. He initiated the
                                                              remarks,  but  he  felt customer  empathy  was  a  key to
          discussion with an interesting fact, i.e., "By 2025, one-third
                                                              customer centricity. The need of the hour was training the
          of the total AUM will be ESG investments which is touted
                                                              consumer and the workforce who interact with customers
          to be 53 Trillion dollars".
                                                              across touchpoints.The panellists discussed diverse issues like
          The theme centred on the ESG components in business risks  customers  not  trusting  the  insurers,  the  role  of data
          and how insurers may help businesses reduce these risks.  analytics in managing customer centricity, and the lack of
          The presenters believed ESG compliance should be used as  product differentiation in the insurance sector.
          a risk management tool in the boardroom. Some thought
                                                              Mr K.V Dipu, Sr. President, Bajaj Allianz GIC, stressed the
          enterprise sustainability was a branch of enterprise risk
                                                              overall setup of data which has been previously working in
          management philosophy (ERM).
                                                              silos and discussed how, in the last few years, firms have
          The highlight of the discussion was an interesting question  become more digital, which has led to the availability of data
          by Mr. Pratik Priyadarshi to Mr Pankaj Tomar about E Space  in digital form helping firms to get rid of tedious paperwork
          in ESG and what is being done on its technological aspects,  and making it easy for tracking customer's footprint. He also
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