Page 55 - Insurance Times November 2022
P. 55


               6th BIMTECH Insurance Colloquium - 2022- Fostering

                                 Sustainable and Inclusive Growth

                                           7th October 2022, Mumbai

                   he Program of Insurance Business Management  categories varying across multiple dimensions, and yet we
         T         of Birla Institute of Management Technology  still bucket them into 2-3 categories at best". The current

                                                              youthful generation found less meaning in the vintage of
                   (BIMTECH) organizes this annual event annually
                   in  October.  The  sixth  edition  of  BIMTECH
                                                              in hierarchy either. The impact was more important to them
          INSURANCE COLLOQUIUM was held in  Mumbai  at the    organizations to find them trustworthy and did not believe
          prestigious MCA Complex on October 7th, 2022, with the  than the business vintage, and trust is what happens when
          theme of "Fostering Sustainable and Inclusive Growth". It  actions meet words.
          received a tremendous response from delegates across India.
                                                              In the theme address that followed, Mr Sakate Khaitan,
          In his welcome address in the inaugural session, Prof. (Dr.),  Senior Partner, Khaitan Legal Associates and Member Board
          Anupam Verma, Deputy  Director and Dean Academics,  of Governors, BIMTECH, gave an overview of the history of
          BIMTECH, expounded on the theme of the colloquium,  India's insurance business, including nationalization and
          which aimed at exploring value creation by building trust,  privatization of the insurance sector and enactment of laws
          development  of  an  ESG  framework and  the  need  for  and  regulations  framed  during  the  period.  He  also
          customer centricity for businesses. He felt ESG practices  requested, "The insurance companies should provide more
          followed in the right spirit aligned with the UN Sustainable  granular data for better industry insights".
          Development Goals (SDGs). He welcomed all panelists and
                                                              He felt India was at an inflexion point to reinforce customer
          delegates to the colloquium.
                                                              centricity and trust. Following the basic tenet of utmost good
          In  his  keynote  address,  Mr.  Suresh  Mathur,  Executive
                                                              faith was important to reduce needless litigation to enforce
          Director, IRDAI felt the theme was relevant in the current
                                                              and interpret  insurance contracts. In his view insurance
          times we were living in. He emphasized, "While CSR was
                                                              industry had a pivotal role in promoting ESG. There was a
          considered separate from revenue-generating initiatives,
                                                              need for insurers to provide more granular data in the area
          this has changed now". He thinks that ESG issues have come
                                                              of claims.
          to the forefront. A strong ESG proposition was linked to long-
          term returns for businesses. There was a need to ensure that
                                                              Panel I
          all legitimate claims were paid, and the inclusion of the LGBT
          community in the definition of family was a step towards  The theme for the first-panel discussion was "Value Creation
          bringing inclusivity.                               through building trust", which focused on the challenges
                                                              faced by the industry in terms of the existing protection gap,
          In his Keynote address, Mr. Srinath Sirdharan, a well-known
                                                              the service experience provided by the insurers, and the
          columnist and author, dwelled on the ten buckets of ESG,
                                                              roles of insurers in building trust among the customers.
          which were, as per him, the overall theme of ESG, targets
                                                              'Reducing protection gap and building trust will remain a
          to be achieved, tracking of the same, traceability to the
          ultimate source, transparency in disclosure, tailor-made  dream if the issue of income inequality is not addressed at
                                                              the earliest. Income inequality is a bigger threat than either
          products to suit the regulations, transformation, technology,
          talent shortage  of  workforce knowing ESG  norms and  environment or governance' maintained  Prof (Dr) Abhijit
          temptation not to do green washing by businesses while  Chattoraj, Dean- SW&SS and Professor and Chairperson
          ensuring compliance with ESG regulations. He specifically  of  Insurance  Business  Management  Program  while
          pointed out that  "The Indian market is divided into 10+  moderating  the panel discussion.

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