Page 14 - Banking Finance August 2022
P. 14


          an investment of over Rs 1.4 lakh crore  their behalf on virtual asset transfers  does not stop with me. I got a team of
          in the last fiscal. This has resulted in  or otherwise as well.      people with whom internal auditors
          huge employment in the state as well.                                interact. Inspite of several years of find-
          The state government is also trying to Ola to invest $500 million    ing that audit is very important, there
                                                                               is always a certain amount of conflict
          ensure easy lending to this sector from
                                            in EV battery facility             and contradictions between the inter-
          banks, said MSME secretary Rajesh
                                            Ola Electric, the ride-hailing firm's elec-  nal auditing and below the level of
          Pandey during an interaction with the
                                            tric vehicle arm, is investing about $500  auditing. It is for the internal auditor
          Bengal Chamber of Commerce (BCC).
                                            million for setting up its battery inno-  to convince the auditee that I am not
          He added that in the last one year the
                                            vation  centre  (BIC)  in  Bengaluru.  trying to find the mistake with you," he
          MSME sector has got bank credit of Rs  Bhavish Aggarwal-led Ola said that BIC  said  at  the  summit  organised  by
          1 crore, which was an all-time record.
                                            will be one of the world's largest and  Women's Forum, IIA India.
          "This was the highest lending to MSME
                                            most advanced cell research and devel-
          and considering that we are recover-
                                            opment (R&D) facilities with more
                                                                               IRS officer Nitin Gupta ap-
          ing from a pandemic, it is an achieve-
                                            than 165 'unique and cutting-edge'
          ment," he added. Though the bank  laboratory equipment to cover all as- pointed CBDT chief
          credit target has not yet been fixed but
                                            pects  of cell-related R&D. The com-  IRS  officer Nitin Gupta has been ap-
          sources said that it should be 20% more
                                            pany didn't reveal the time period for  pointed as the new CBDT chairman, a
          than what has been achieved last year.
                                            the investment.  But, according  to  recent government order said. Gupta,
          The number of MSME units in the state
                                            sources, it is three to five years.  an Indian Revenue Service (IRS) officer
          is around 90  lakh which  employ 1.3                                 of the 1986 batch of the Income Tax
                                            In India, SoftBank-backed Ola is now in
          crore people.                                                        cadre, is serving as the Member (inves-
                                            direct competition with electric two-
                                                                               tigation) in the Board and is scheduled
                                            wheeler makers like Ather Energy,
          CBDT clears the air on TDS                                           to retire in September next year.
                                            Hero Electric, Bajaj, TVS Motor Com-
          levy on cryptos                   pany, Bounce, and Boom Motors. The  The order issued on June 25 said the
          CBDT has issued detailed guidelines on  firm also has plans to launch electric  "Appointments Committee of the Cabi-
          facilitating tax  deducted at source  cars, motorcycles, sport utility vehicles,  net has approved the appointment of
          (TDS) on virtual digital assets (VDA) or  and robotaxis.             Shri Nitin Gupta, IRS (IT:86), Member
          crypto assets, under which date of                                   Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT)
                                            Internal audit is the 'con-
          transfer and mode of payment will                                    as chairman, Central Board of Direct
          have to be specified.             science  keeper  of  a             Taxes from the date of assumption of
                                                                               the post."
          From July 1, TDS of 1 per cent will be corporate's board'
          levied on  payments towards virtual                                  The post of the CBDT chief was being
                                            An internal audit in a company is the
          digital assets or cryptocurrencies be-                               held in an additional capacity by Board
                                            conscience keeper of the board and has
          yond Rs 10,000 in a year, as the Finance                             member and  1986-batch  IRS officer
                                            to prove that he is the conscience
          Act 2022 has introduced Section 194S                                 Sangeeta Singh after J B Mohapatra re-
                                            keeper of the board. This is the chal-
          in the income tax (I-T) Act.                                         tired on April 30. The CBDT is headed by
                                            lenge. The role is unlimited. The chal-
                                                                               a Chairman and can have six members
          The department has explained differ-  lenges are largely internal and not ex-
                                                                               who are in the rank of special secretary.
          ent scenarios through six questions to  ternal, said K Shankaran, Director, TTK
          remove difficulties. Under the new re-  Prestige Ltd, while addressing The In-
                                                                               Google launches initiative
          gime, the transactions will have to be  stitute of Internal Auditors India Na-
          disclosed in the tax return and a paper  tional Summit 2022 on 'Emerging Chal- to help 10,000 startups
          trail will have to be maintained.  lenges and Opportunities in Internal
                                                                               Google launched the Startup School
          This would be helpful to both buyers                                 India initiative aims to gather relevant
          and sellers since they can enter into  "As an auditee, I have to ensure that I  information on startup building into a
          contracts with the exchange for pass-  have a proper framework in the com-  systematic curriculum to help 10,000
          ing the responsibility to deduct tax on  pany, to oversee everything. But, it  startups in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities.
            14 | 2022 | AUGUST                                                             | BANKING FINANCE
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