Page 18 - Banking Finance August 2022
P. 18
Like other blanched advantage funds or tial for growth as it could contain the Ltd, Unifi Capital, Alchemy Capital
BAFs, the equity exposure will be main- next league of NIFTY 50 constituents. Management, Helios Capital Manage-
tained between 65% and 100%. At any ment PTE Ltd, Old Bridge Capital Man-
The benchmark of HDFC NIFTY 100
point, if the equity allocation falls be- agement and Angel One -- are under
ETF - NIFTY 100 TRI offers a simple way
low 65%, the gross equity exposure will consideration as of June end.
to gain exposure to the Indian large
be maintained using equity derivatives.
cap space by focusing on top 100 com-
Debt instruments will make up for the
panies based on full market capitaliza- Baroda BNP Paribas Mu-
tion. It provides more balanced diver-
tual Fund launches of
The NFO will open for subscription on sification than NIFTY 50 Index, while
Baroda BNP Paribas Flexi
August 16 and will close on August 30. tracking the behaviour of the com-
bined portfolio of NIFTY 50 and NIFTY
Avinash Satwalekar, President, Franklin Cap Fund
Next 50 Indices.
Templeton-India, said, " This new fund Baroda BNP Paribas Mutual Fund has
is for investors looking for a balanced announced the launch of Baroda BNP
exposure to equity and debt over the Emkay Global Financial Paribas Flexi Cap Fund, a dynamic eq-
longer term while also capitalizing on uity scheme with a flexibility to invest
Services, Abira Securities
opportunities provided by the market across market caps. The fund focuses
approach Sebi for MF li-
from time to time. Apart from the on identifying investment opportunities
benefits of diversification, this formula- cense across sectors and market capitaliza-
driven approach with its in-built 'buy- tions and aims to create long-term
Emkay Global Financial Services and
sell' discipline helps to negate the wealth by investing predominantly in
brokerage house Abira Securities have
behavioural biases caused due to emo- equity and equity related securities.
become the latest entities to approach
tions of greed and fear."
capital markets regulator Sebi for a The fund will be managed by Sanjay
mutual fund (MF) license. Chawla, Chief Investment Officer - Eq-
HDFC Mutual Fund uity, Baroda BNP Paribas Asset Man-
The two firms have joined the list of
agement India.
launches HDFC NIFTY Next seven entities, which are awaiting
Sebi's approval to enter into the mu- Suresh Soni, CEO, Baroda BNP Paribas
tual fund space. Asset Management India said, "We live
HDFC Mutual Fund has launched two in an ever-evolving world. Equity mar-
Emkay Global Financial Services Lim-
new ETFs - HDFC NIFTY Next 50 ETF kets reflect this - the top performing
ited and Abira Securities Limited filed
and HDFC NIFTY 100 ETF. The fund companies, sectors as well as market
their applications with the Securities
house says the new schemes will help caps keep changing as the economy
and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) on
to expand suite of "HDFC MF Index and businesses evolve. Hence, fund
March 3 and March 24 respectively, an
Solutions", which HDFC Mutual Fund managers should be aware of and
update with the regulator's website
has been managing for the past 20 adopt an adaptable investing style
years. These funds offer a simple way when managing portfolios. In this re-
to gain exposure to the Indian large Founded in 1995, Emkay Global Finan- gard, Flexi
cap space. cial Services offers services in areas like
Cap funds can take exposure across
institutional equity, portfolio manage-
According to the fund house, the market caps and sectors and thereby
ment services, wealth management,
benchmark of HDFC NIFTY Next 50 ETF allow fund managers to optimise the
investment banking and global invest-
- NIFTY Next 50 Total Returns Index portfolio based on the prevailing mar-
ing. Abira Securities is a Kolkata-based
(TRI) offers diversification benefits at ket conditions, valuations, and future
stock broking house.
stock and sector level, while providing growth prospects. This makes Flexi Cap
potential for higher risk-adjusted re- Apart from these two, applications of funds an all-in-one equity solution, suit-
turns vs NIFTY 50 in the long term. as many as seven companies -- able for all market conditions and for
Further, this index offers higher poten- Phonepe, Wizemarkets Analytics Pvt a wide variety of investors."