Page 20 - Banking Finance August 2022
P. 20

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had  per customer, it said in another state-  The exercise to nudge RRBs to come
          imposed several restrictions, including  ment.                       up with IPOs is seen providing liquidity
          on withdrawals by depositors, on these                               and an avenue for raising capital from
                                            The two banks, without permission of
          two banks in May in the wake of their                                the market.
                                            the RBI, cannot grant loans, make any
          deteriorating financial positions.
                                            investment, incur any liability -- includ-  The exercise is the next step to provide
                                            ing borrowal of funds and acceptance  additional sources to RRBs to meet
          RBI imposes restrictions          of fresh deposits, disburse or dispose of  their regulatory capital requirement
          on two UP-based coopera-          properties or assets.              after the Reserve Bank of India (RBI),
                                                                               in 2019, permitted such banks to issue
          tive banks
                                            Centre revives IPO plans           perpetual debt instruments. The Cen-
          The Reserve Bank on Thursday said it                                 tre was also considering launching IPOs
                                            for Regional Rural Banks
          has imposed several restrictions, in-
                                                                               of RRBs in 2019, as it was conducting
          cluding on fund withdrawals, on two  Central government has asked sponsor
                                                                               a consolidation exercise in the regional
                                            banks to identify regional rural banks
          Uttar  Pradesh-based  cooperative
                                                                               rural banking space, which  saw the
                                            (RRBs) that can be listed on  the ex-
          banks in view of their deteriorating fi-                             number of such lenders reduce from
                                            changes based on defined criteria, re-
          nancial position. The two lenders are
                                                                               196 in 2005 to 43 in FY21.
                                            viving an earlier plan to come up with
          Lucknow Urban Co-operative Bank and
                                            initial public offering (IPO) of such lend-  The government is also undertaking
          Urban  Co-operative  Bank  Limited,
                                            ers.                               the exercise to restructure RRBs in
                                                                               order to make them operationally vi-
                                            All RRBs are presently unlisted. Spon-
          The restrictions under the Banking
                                            sor banks - that hold about 35 per cent  able. After two straight years of losses
          Regulation Act will remain in force for
                                            in RRBs - have been asked to handhold  in FY19 and FY20, RRBs reported a
          six months. Customers of Lucknow Ur-
                                            regional lenders at all stages from iden-  consolidated net profit of Rs. 1,682
          ban Co-operative Bank will not able to
                                            tification of merchant bankers to the  crore  in  FY21.  Of the 43  RRBs, 30
          withdraw more than Rs 30,000, as per
                                            conclusion  of IPO. While the Centre  posted a net profit in FY21. However,
          an RBI statement.
                                            holds 50 per cent in RRBs, state gov-  17 RRBs out of 43 carried accumulated
          The withdrawal limit in  the case of  ernments  own the remaining 15 per  losses of Rs. 8,264 crore as on March
          Urban Co-operative Bank is Rs 50,000  cent.                          31, 2021.
                 UTI Mutual Fund launches Gilt Fund with 10- year constant
           UTI Mutual Fund has launched UTI Gilt Fund with 10-year constant duration, an open-ended debt scheme investing
           in government securities having a constant maturity of 10 years. The fund has a relatively high-interest rate risk and
           relatively low credit risk. The New Fund Offer is open and will close on July 26.
           According to the press release, the scheme's investment objective is to generate optimal returns with high liquidity
           by investing in a portfolio of government securities such that the weighted average portfolio maturity is around 10
           years. However, there can be no assurance that the Scheme's investment objective will be achieved. The Scheme
           does not guarantee/indicate any returns.
           "Aiming to offer new investment opportunities via varied products, our latest fund launch, UTI Gilt Fund with 10
           year Constant Duration, is a suitable offering for strategic allocation in a duration fund with sovereign exposures in
           the UTI Mutual Fund product suite. While diversified allocation to different asset classes like equity, fixed income &
           gold has become an adage for investors, sovereign allocation within fixed income can offer a better value proposi-
           tion by minimising credit risk, providing high liquidity while maintaining tax efficiency needs to be given more consid-
           eration," said Anurag Mittal, EVP & Deputy Head of Fixed Income, UTI AMC Ltd.

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