Page 17 - Banking Finance August 2022
P. 17


          Mutual Fund

          Motilal  Oswal  Mutual            Oswal Asset Management Company,    ager -- fixed income & a vice-president
                                            was quoted saying in a release.    at LIC Mutual Fund, said.
          Fund  launches  index
                                            The Motilal Oswal S&P BSE Quality ETF  Prabhu said the fund launch comes at
          funds and  ETFs  tracking         and Index Fund are single factorbased  an appropriate time as spreads be-

          quality and value factors         investment strategies that aim to in-  tween corporate bonds and the repo
                                            clude the top 30 'Quality' stocks based  rate are retracing towards their mean
          Motilal  Oswal  Asset  Management
                                            on rule-based parameters. These com-  of 1.07 per cent, making money mar-
          Company has launched factor-based
                                            panies tend to have durable business  ket funds a favourable option to in-
          funds such as Motilal Oswal S&P BSE
                                            models and sustainable competitive  vest.
          Quality ETF and Motilal Oswal S&P BSE
          Quality Index Fund, and Motilal Oswal                                The fund proposes to invest in money
          S&P  BSE  Enhanced  Value  ETF  and                                  market securities having up to one-year
          Motilal Oswal S&P BSE Enhanced Value LIC MF eyes Rs 1,000 crore      maturity, along with an option to in-
          Index Fund, company said in a release.                               vest in both sovereign and money mar-
                                            from new money market
                                                                               ket instruments to arrive at an opti-
          The new fund offer will open for sub-
                                            fund                               mum asset allocation between the as-
          scription on July 29 and closes on Au-
                                            LIC Mutual Fund is targeting to collect  set classes, Singh said.
          gust 12. Investors can invest a mini-
                                            Rs 1,000 crore from its new money
          mum of Rs 500 and in multiples of Re
                                            market fund launched. The new fund
          1 thereafter. On an ongoing basis, in-                               Franklin Templeton Mu-
                                            is an  open-ended debt scheme that
          vestors can purchase/redeem units of                                 tual  Fund launches new
                                            facilitates investing in money market
          the scheme through a financial advisor
                                            instruments, it said in a statement.  scheme after two years
          or through the company website.
                                            Nityanand Prabhu, executive director  Franklin Templeton Mutual Fund is
          "With an objective to cater the evolv-
                                            and business head of LIC MF, told that  launching a new scheme after a gap of
          ing needs  of the investors, we have
                                            it has set an internal target of garner-  two and a half years. The fund house
          introduced ETFs & index funds in the
                                            ing at least Rs 1,000 crore from the  has received approval from Sebi to
          factor investing segment. These new
                                            scheme during the primary subscription  launch a balanced advantage fund. This
          funds are based  on the Quality and
                                            period.                            will be Franklin Templton's first prod-
          Value factors. We aspire to build a
                                                                               uct  offering  after  it  faced  rough
          unique brand positing by establishing  The fund, targeted  mainly at corpo-
                                                                               weather following its decision to shut
          ourselves as a fund house to drive the  rate investors, is open for two days for
                                                                               six debt schemes in 2020.
          factor investing category in India,"  the subscription. It will reopen on Au-
          Navin Agarwal, MD & CEO, Motilal  gust 3, Rahul Singh, a senior fund man-  FIBAF is a dynamically-managed fund.
            BANKING FINANCE |                                                              AUGUST | 2022 | 17
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