Page 15 - Banking Finance August 2022
P. 15


          The nine-week virtual programme will  "Demand for services improved… sup-  "During 'Mann ki Baat' in August 2020,
          involve fireside chats between Google  porting a robust economic expansion  Prime Minister had given a clarion call
          leaders and collaborators from across  for the sector over the first quarter of  on 'Rebranding the Indian  Toy Story'
          the startup ecosystem.            fiscal year 2022/23 and setting the  and emphasised on the availability of
                                            scene for another substantial upturn in
          Topics covered will include fintech, lan-                            right kind of toys for children, using
                                            output next month," said Pollyanna De
          guage, social media and networking,                                  toys as a learning resource, designing
                                            Lima, economics associate director at
          job search, and business-to-business                                 of toys based on Indian value system,
                                            S&P Global Market Intelligence.
          and  business-to-consumer  e-com-                                    Indian  history,  and  culture  to
          merce.                                                               strengthen domestic designing and
                                            No filling of annual returns       position India as a global manufactur-
          An effective product strategy, product
          user value, designing apps for the next for small businesses for     ing hub for toys," said Anil  Agrawal,
          billion users in markets like India, and                             additional secretary, DPIIT.
          user acquisition are just a few of the
                                                                               He said the industry has benefited from
                                            In a relief to businesses, the govern-
          other  topics  covered  in  the                                      a number of interventions by the gov-
                                            ment has exempted small taxpayers
          curriculum's instructional modules.
                                            (with turnover up to 2 crore) from fil-  ernment and results show the success
          "Aimed at early stage founders with a                                of the 'Make in India' programme. The
                                            ing annual returns for 2021-22, allow-
          minimum  viable  product,  the                                       Directorate General of Foreign Trade,
                                            ing a claim of refund on inputs used in
          programme provides the flexibility of a                              for instance, mandated sample testing
                                            the generation of electricity and ex-
          virtual curriculum and allows attend-                                of each consignment and said there
                                            tending the deadline to raise tax no-
          ees to  pick and choose the modules
                                            tice to taxpayers till September 2023.  will be no permission for sale unless the
          they'd like to tune in for," a blogpost                              quality testing is successful.
                                            The amendment also allows for en-
          by Google said.
                                            abling automatic revocation of goods
                                            and services tax (GST) registrations CBDT  aims  to  add  12%
          Services sector grows fast-       cancelled once the return filing  is
                                                                               more tax return filers this
          est in 11 years: Survey           regularised.
          India's dominant services industry ex-  The Centre also amended the formula
                                                                               The Union  government is looking to
          panded at the fastest pace in over 11  for a refund of the inverted duty struc-
                                                                               widen the tax base by targeting addi-
          years in June amid strong demand but  ture to  give the benefit of input tax
                                                                               tion of 12% more new return filers this
          stubborn inflation remains a concern  paid on services, a move which will help
                                            in improving the current cash flow is-  fiscal against 8% in  FY22,  an official
          as prices charged rose at the sharpest
                                            sues for those products.           document showed.
          rate in almost five years, a private sur-
          vey showed on July 5.             As a relief measure for the Covid-hit pe-  According to the Central Action Plan
                                            riod, the Centre has excluded the period  (CAP) for FY23 circulated internally by
          The S&P Global India Services Purchas-
                                            from March 1, 2020, to February 28,  the  Central  Board  of  Direct  Taxes
          ing Managers' Index (INPMIS=ECI) rose
                                            2022, from the computation of the pe-  (CBDT), the department also plans to
          to 59.2 in June from 58.9 in May, its
                                            riod of limitation for claiming refunds.  expedite disposal of high-value income
          highest since April 2011 and above the
          50-mark separating growth from con-                                  tax appeals under the faceless mecha-
          traction. A Reuters poll had predicted Toy exports surge 61% in 3    nism.
          a dip to 58.7.                    years, imports drop by 70%         The CBDT has asked field officers to use
          A sharp upturn in demand, increased  The country's toy sector has benefited  data mining, data analytics, inputs from
          sales and favourable economic condi-  from the government's 'Make in India'  market associations and trade bodies
          tions kept the new orders sub-index  initiative. Toy imports are down by  to identify non-filers, and directed its
          above the break-even mark for an 11th  70% and exports are up 61% over the  directorate of systems to provide data
          month and drove it to its highest read-  last three years, showed data from the  on  non-filers  and  those  who  have
          ing since February, 2011.         government.                        stopped filing by 30 September.

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