Page 6 - RMAI BULLETIN Oct - Dec 2019
P. 6
8) Height,weightandwidthofthemachine, Loss during Stowage/Transit
Improperstowageduringvoyageand transit maycause
9) Whether low bed or high bed trailer will be
seriousdamagetothemachines. Ifthe consignmentis
not kept in the holds with due care and caution i.e
10) Carryingcapacityofthevehicle. without proper securing and lashing, the packing cases
11) Totallengthofjourneyinvolved. containing machines are bound to move erratically
due to rolling and pitching of the seas during heavy
12) Routetobetaken
weather. The boxes may also break to heavy impact
13) Valueofgoods. with other objects remain inside the holds. If the cargo
is not properly lashed, bolted, secured with wooden
14) Whether repairing/replacement facilities are
blocks and/or padded after loading on to the vehicle,
the consignment may fall down from the vehicle bed
Cargolossprevention: of Rail transit, the cargo may suffer damage due to
The following procedures should be adopted for cargo coupling/shunting impact by rail and due to vibration.
lossprevention: Themachineisalsodamagedduetobadroadcondition
Lossduetopoor/insufficient Packing: at the project site. The accident to the carrying vehicle
Packing plays a vital role for prevention of handling often occurs due to under prepared road conditions
losses. Now a days, the large corporate clients also leading to the project site as such roads are not
compromise with the quality of packing for cost properly metaled to withstand heavy load of the
reduction. Therefore, majority of losses occur due to vehicle with heavy machineries. The major losses are
inadequacyofpacking. alsocausedduetocollapseofstructurallyweekbridges
Insufficiency of packing may contribute losses due to
squashing, breakage, denting, cracking, twisting, and Over-dimentionalpicture
bending and water damage to consignments.
Moreover, internal movement of cargo inside the
packing due to improper dunnaging may cause serious
damage to machineries. The cargo inside the
cases/crates may also get damaged due to pushing,
dragging and lifting of the packing cases/crates in an
The loss can be prevented if suitable cushioning,
blocking and/or proper lashing to the packing cases are
done. The adequate wrapping and strapping for Loadingofover-dimentionalcargo
assembled loads shall be maintained. The cases or
crates should be marked with international handling
symbols on at least three surfaces of each package. The
marking should be legible and it will be in order to use
standard initials and pictograms to avoid language
problem. Any attractive commercial marks on the
packing cases are to be avoided to prevent the
possibility of theft and pilferage specially for spare
parts and accessories. Proper instruction through
coded markings and international handling symbols on
at least three surfaces of each package should be given