Page 11 - RMAI BULLETIN Oct - Dec 2019
P. 11


             Factory, Godown, etc.) and the same is necessary for  Manager. It shows both the tangible & intangible
             the management of any organization to decide upon  consequences of risk and the gamut of functioning of
             –the Loss Control (i.e. the physical control of the  theRiskManager&thescopeofRiskManagement.Itis
             possibility of loss through ensuring risk improvement  a matter of common knowledge that risk cannot be
             measures&/orlossminimizationmeasures.            eliminated completely. Snow will continue to fall,
                                                              people will continue to drive cars and fortune will
             To understand the purpose of Risk Management let us  produce unexpected and unanticipated outcomes. But
             takeoneincident-                                 can we not identify such a situation and forecast it and
             Dan Hacking, one European city’s Risk Manager, was  can we not analyze such a situation and can we not
             awakened by a phone call at 2.45 A.M. on a wintry  exercise control when such a situation arises or may be
             November morning, when that night the first major  even before such a situation arises. Well – the answer is
             snowstorm of the year had hit the city. Earlier he had  obviously –Yes! And to seek the answer we enter into
             gone to bed unaware of the storm’s intensity and  therealmofRiskManagement.
             started to discover that over 21 inches of snow had
             fallensince9.00P.M.                              Risk management is simply a practice of systematically
                                                              selecting cost effective approaches for minimizing the
             At the other end of the line was the night shift police  effect of threat realization to the organization. All risks
             officer who explained that one of the city’s snowplows  can never be fully avoided or mitigated simply because
             had run into a station wagon. The snowplow driver was  of financial and practical limitations. Therefore all
             not injured but tragically, the three station wagon  organizations have to accept some level of residual
             passengerswerekilled.                            risks.

             The officer went on explaining that the plow driver was  TheProcessofRiskManagement:
             discovered to have had a blood alcohol level well in
                                                              The process starts with Risk Identification. The very
             excess of legal limits and the driver was also operating
                                                              basics of RiskManagement rest with the first step – The
             the city vehicle with a suspended driver’s license – a
                                                              Risk Identification – since ‘Risk’ cannot be managed
             suspension handed down six months ago after his
                                                              unless identified and it is needed to ensure that the full
             eighth conviction. The officer concluded the call by
                                                              range of significant risk is encompassed within the Risk
             noting that the accident clearly was the snow plow
                                                              Management Process. A scientific approach to risk
             operator’s fault. The station wagon was parked in a  management of pure risks involves a logical sequence
             convenience store lot and the plow’s tracks plainly
                                                              of several steps. The first step is obviously - Risk
             showed that it had drifted off the road over the curb
                                                              Identification – which may be denoted as finding the
             and a parking barrier, stopping only when it had  exposuresofthevariousrisksintoday’sscenario:-
             rammed the station wagon into a retaining wall.
             Preliminary evidence suggested that the driver had lost
                                                              Now-a-days the risks as associated with various
             consciousnessbehindthewheel.                     manufacturing & service oriented industry /
                                                              organizations / firms may be depicted as below in
             Nowthethoughtsranthroughhismind:                 figure1:-
             1) Howwastheguyeverallowedtodriveaplow?
                                                                               NEW TECHNOLOGY
             2) Wasthecityinsuredforsuchloss?                   NEGATIVE PUBLICITY              COMPLIANCE
             3) Whataretheneedsofthevictims’families?                                           BRAND VALUE
                                                               FAILED ACQUISITIONS
             4) Did the city’s lack of a Driver Training Programme  BID                        LOSS OF REPUTATION
                 contributetotheaccident?                        INSOLVENCY
                                                                                                  LOSS OF KEY
             5) What are the public relations implications for the
                                                                  COMPLAINTS                     STRIKES
                                                                  POLITICAL RISK            FIRE-LOSS OF PRODUCTION
             6) Whatcouldwehavedonedifferently?                   OR EMBARGO  FAILURE OF INSURANCE  CAPABILITY
             This story offers a window to the world of the Risk  FIGURE 1 - THE RISKS OF THE CURRENT ERA

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