Page 14 - RMAI BULLETIN Oct - Dec 2019
P. 14


                   design of the Scheme Insurer would be issuing a  frequently). it should be possible to mail the
                   Master Policy for the Bank against which system  Certificate in PDF form to the beneficiary as
                   generated Certificate-cum-Receipts would be     soon as it is generated. Moreover an SMS
                   issued for those joining the scheme and for     confirmation with Certificate reference number
                   whom the premium is received by transfer into   wouldbesenttothebeneficiary.
                                                              Similarly the same action is required for Pradhan
                 b. Premium of Rs.12 will be auto-debited from  Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY) & Atal
                   Bank A/C holder and deposited in the said
                                                              Pension Yojana (APY) Yojana as the premium amount is
                   pooling bank A/C on a daily basis. UTR number
                                                              always debited to Insured’s Bank account and the claim
                                                              amount is credited to the selected Bank Account of the
                 c. Commission to Agent/ Banking Correspondent  diseasedfamily.
                   (Re. 1/-) and Operating expenditure of Bank (Re.
                   1/-) will be deducted from this pooling bank  Subsequently huge initiatives are taken by a
                   account through a direct debit based on the  coordinated efforts of Central & State Governments in
                   number of A/C holder covered in the daily  respect of the Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) implemented
                   PMSBYprocessing.                           withthefollowingobjectives:-
                                                              1. To provide insurance coverage and financial
                 d. Bank will transfer the remaining premium
                                                                 support to the farmers in the event of failure of any
                   amount (Rs. 10/-) to the central A/C of the
                 e. Insurance Company will identify a Nodal Office  2. To stabilize the income of farmers to ensure their
                   for accounting the PMSBY premium and          continuanceinfarming.
                                                              3. To encourage farmers to adopt innovative and
                 f. Certificate of Insurance will be issued by the  modernagriculturalpractices.
                   participating bank in the form of receipt.
                                                              4. Toensureflowofcredittotheagriculturesector.
                   Insurance Company will not issue any document
                                                              The Scheme shall be implemented through a multi-
                 g. Standard MIS report formats will be circulated  agency framework by selected insurance companies
                   which will cater to the reporting requirements  under the overall guidance & control of the
                   oftheconcernedBank                         Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers
                                                              Welfare (DAC&FW), Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers
                 h. Bank Documentation in respect of Enrolment -
                   cum-Consent Form, Proposal Form, and Claim  Welfare (MOA & FW), Government of India (GOI) and
                                                              the concerned State in co-ordination with various
                   form is in the process of being finalized based on
                                                              other agencies; viz Financial Institutions like
                   the drafts suggested by Indian Bank
                                                              Commercial Banks, Co-operative Banks, Regional Rural
                                                              Banks and their regulatory bodies, Government
                 i. FrequentlyAskedQuestions(FAQ)canbehosted  Departments viz. Agriculture, Co-operation,
                   onthewebsiteofBankaswellasInsurer.         Horticulture, Statistics, Revenue, Information/Science
                                                              & Technology, Panchayati Raj etc. DAC&FW has
                 j. Certificate would be immediately available in e-
                                                              designated/empanelled Agriculture Insurance
                   form to the bank - preferably in PDF format.
                                                              Company of India (AIC) and some private insurance
                   These need not be signed as these are computer  companies presently to participate in the Government
                   generated. The Bank’s Banking Correspondents  sponsored agriculture /crop insurance schemes based
                   if equipped with Printers for A-4 size printing,  on their financial strength, infrastructure, manpower
                   then Certificates shall be made immediately  andexpertiseetc.
                   available to them for printing for all transactions
                   donebythatBC. E-mailidandMobilenumberis    Recently ‘Ayushman Bharat Scheme’, National Health
                   captured in the data (as now-a-days rural /  Protection Mission was launched on 15th August,
                   backward community people are using Mobile  2018.

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