Page 13 - RMAI BULLETIN Oct - Dec 2019
P. 13
a. Bank will have a feature enabled in their Core Filenamingconventionwillbeasfollows:
Banking solution to capture the mandate/ a. Control File will be PMSBY_<Abbreviated Bank
request from Bank Customer for availing the Name>_INSURER_yyyymmdd_nnnn.ctl.
Insurance Cove under PMSBY. Auto debit Transaction file will bear the same name but
mandate will be submitted to the concerned extensionas“dat”.
b. Abbreviated Bank Name will be first four
b. Once the mandate is recorded in the Core characters of the Banks IFS Code. SBIN for State
Banking system, then subject to validation of Bank of India, BARB for Bank of Baroda, UTBI for
Aadhar or KYC as applicable, system will fetch UnitedBankofIndiaetc
the details of the Customer like Address, date of c. YY/MM/DD-standsforthedataofdispatch
d. NNNN - stands for file sequence no for the
c. Core banking system will have a database
dispatch day since there will be a possibility of
sequence no which will be used as Unique
more than one file for the same day due to file
Reference No. for communication between
Bank and Insurer as well as Certificate No. for
theCoverage. e. Errors on transaction files will be reported by
Insurer back with same file name with extension
d. Upon confirmation of transaction, the
as “err”. e.g. A file sent by Bank of Baroda on
Customer’s Account will be debited and
15/05/2015 will have the control file name as
credited to pooling account for Insurer with the
and PMSBY_BARB_INSURER_20150515_
e. Every day all transactions in pooling account will 0001.dat
be reported to Insurer as per the Data Format
alongwiththePremiumamount. 3) Master Synchronization - Integration with Bank
f. PremiumamountcanberemittedbyNEFT/RTGS
a. Bank Branch Master needs synchronization for
to our Collection Bank Account or transferred to
the sake of MIS and accounting. Bank may share
their master of new branches as per Data
g. URN No generated by Core Banking system will Dictionary Sheet “Branch”. This can be
be prefixed by A for the year 2015 – 2016, B for synchronized as and when a new Branch is
the year 2016 – 17 etc. The URN will remain the opened. When a new Branch code is found in
same for renewal of insurance for the sake of transaction file, then Insurer will revert to Bank
convenience. for data sync and also report as part of error
h. Daily Data Transfer will have two files. One
control file which will contain data elements (a) b. Pin Code Master will need synchronization for
Transaction Date (b) Count of Records (c) Total validation purposes. Insurer can supply all India
Premium. This will be used to cross validate Pin code Master mapped up to District Level.
recordsinthetransactiondatafile. Where old pin codes were used when the pin
code has under gone a change, Insurer will
i. Transaction Data file will contain the actual data
remap to current pin code. In case of invalid pin
code in data file, the same will be mapped to a
j. Files will be transferred using SFTP Files from valid pin code by Insurer to avoid rejections on
Bank will be dropped in the “Inbox” folder and accountofpincode.
response files from Insurer will be dropped in
4) PremiumCollection,AccountingandServiceTax:
“Outbox” folder. Files processed by Insurer will
a. A pooling bank account will be opened by
Insurance Company Limited in the concerned
2) SFTP locations, credentials will be shared on case Bank for the purpose of issuance of PMSBY
tocasebasisthroughmailforsecurityreasons. scheme to its account holders As per the basic