Page 9 - RMAI BULLETIN Oct - Dec 2019
P. 9


             RISK MANAGEMENT

             SYSTEM MUST

             PREVAIL IN INDIAN

             INSURERS’ MARKET

             OPERATIONS                                                                 Anabil Bhattacharya

                                                                                       B.M.E. (Honours), F.I.I.I.,
                                                                   Risk Inspecting Engineer & Insurance Counselor,
 E                                                                          National Insurance Co. Ltd., KOLKATA.
                                                                                   Retired Chief Manager, H.O.,

 E           Prologue:                                        than NIA) must be concerned with their individual

                                                              entity regardless of their position after merger – so
             Business risk is generally defined as the menace posed
             by an event or action to a business's ability to achieve
                                                              towards this direction in regard to their Insurance
             its enduring objectives. For many insurers the primary  there is a dire need for their own self introspection
             objectivewillbemaximizationofprofit,sobusinessrisk  businessRisksManagement.
             can be thought of as anything that will prevent the
                                                              Risk management, according to Bernstein is the
             company making as much profit as possible. Since the
                                                              dividing line between modern times and the past.
             opposite of huge profits is huge losses and companies
                                                              According to him “The ability to define what may
             making huge losses will generally go out of business,
                                                              happen in the future and to choose among alternatives
             business risks can be considered as being forces
                                                              lies at the heart of contemporary societies. Risk
             pushing a company in the direction of going concern
                                                              management guides us to choose over a vast range of
             problems. This will not mean that a business risk will
                                                              decision-making, from allocating wealth to
                                                              safeguarding public health, from waging war to
             If a company is performing well and suffers a 4% drop in  planning a family, from paying insurance premiums to
                                                              wearing a seat belt, from planting corn to marketing
             sales it will inevitably make less profit but is unlikely to
             go out of business. Consequently, the importance of  cornflakes”. Risk management is a process with the
             corporate governance and assurance continues to  objective of identifying risk exposures faced by an
                                                              individual / organization with a view to selecting the
             increase and the most significant aspect of this topic is
             risk management. As a result, risk management has  best available technique for treating such exposures.
             been catapulted from being a useful tool to becoming  ThedefinitionofRiskManagementmayalsoinclude:-
                                                              1. Risk Management is ‘Economic Protection of
             the very pulse of the organization and the yardstick by
             which management is judged. Even at the backdrop of
             merger of PSUs – this year all the three PSUs (other  2. Risk Management is a discipline concerned with

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