Page 7 - RMAI BULLETIN Oct - Dec 2019
P. 7
Lossprevention to the barges, towage plan, total distance involved, the
Since damage to over dimensional cargo is common road condition leading to the river/sea side,
loading/unloading procedures, capacity and condition
due to accident to the carrying vehicle enroute, it is
important to have some knowledge about over oftheequipmentsengagedforloading/unloadingfrom
dimensional cargo. The machine having dimension in barges. The surveyors should monitor the process of
excess of 12 M length and/or 2.5 M width and/or 2.5 M
height and any item weighing over 25 MT shall be
regarded as over dimensional cargo. Moreover, the Waterdamage
package/machinery having the height of more than 15 Sometimes the machine is shipped on Deck at the
feet from the ground level after loading on to the instance of the Master/Chief officer of the vessel
vehicle shall also be regarded as over dimensional because it is not possible to place the cargo under deck
cargo. due to its size and weight. The cargo on deck is liable to
damage due to Rain/Sea water during voyage. The
The over dimensional cargo should be loaded and ingress of water especially during heavy weather may
unloadedfromthevesselunderpropersupervisionofa cause rusting, corrosion, oxidation, pitting to the
competent surveyors. The capacity of shore crane consignment due to salt water. Heavy weather may
should be sufficient to withstand the heavy load of the cause lost and/or washed overboard of the
machine. The surveyors should examine the capacity consignment.
and condition of the crane prior to its operation. The
surveyors also examine the lashings to prevent sliding When the consignment is kept in open for a
and tipping. The surveyors engaged for supervision will considerable period at Port of loading/discharge
examine the types of vehicle engaged for carriage of awaitingfurthertransit,thesamemaybedamageddue
the goods prior to inland transit. The client should hire to rain, Theft and pilferage. Such kind of losses may
hydro axle vehicle with the capacity of 108 MT for cause if the consignment is not containerized and/or
transportation of heavy load consignment, say 100 MT.
during destuffing after landing from the vessel at the
The mechanically axle vehicle with lower capacity will portofdischarge.
not be suitable for carrying such heavy load. In some
cases, the client chooses mechanically axle vehicle
intentionally for enjoying lower freight and allows Lossprevention
overloading. The consignment of machineries should not be kept on
Deck unless the weight and size of the machine do not
The surveyors engaged for supervision should also allowkeepinginhold. Ifthesameiskeptondeckunder
examine whether the carrying trailer engaged for the compulsion at the insistence of the master of the
transportation is high bed or low bed, carrying capacity vessel, the adequate moisture absorbent chemicals
of the trailers, the condition of all tyres of the vehicle, must be used to protect the machine being exposed to
loading/unloading, lashing, securing, bolting, and salt spray across a deck, rain and moisture. If the
blocking/padding on the vehicle bed, condition of machine is kept on deck despite being possible to keep
brake, condition of lights of the trailer and route to be the same in the holds, the machine should be covered
undertaken. by water proof wrapping/water proof lining inside the
package duly stuffed into the container. The marine
During route survey, the surveyors should verify underwriters generally do not wish to grant water
distance and highways, total number of bridges, damagerisk,washing/lostoverboardandjettisoningof
culverts, load bearing capacity of the bridges/culverts, cargoduringoceanvoyageforondeckcargo.
overhead objects and clearance, Electrical wire,
Railway bridge and height clearance, H.T lines and The storage in open an unprotected port areas,
height clearance, permission obtained from different customs compound, railway yard, transit shed even in
authorities like PWD, RTO, NH, SH etc. If oversized ordinary course of transit should be avoided. The
cargo is transported by barges, the surveyors should consignment should not be unloaded during rain fall.
examine the carrying capacity and condition of barges, After unloading from the vessel, the cargo should not
stowing, lashing and dunnaging of the consignment on be kept in unprotected area for a longer period since