Page 16 - RMAI BULLETIN Oct - Dec 2019
P. 16


             Minimization Programme has to be a self-assessment  Need for Embedding Risk Management
             process, whereby the company management takes    within the Insurance Company's
             accountability and responsibility for the risk under its
             control and should, therefore, be held to account for Process:
             demonstrating that such risks are being appropriately  This has to be positioned by senior management if it is
             managed. There will often by a requirement for them  to succeed. They will need to ensure that strategic
             tosignoffonanannualbasisthatthisisthecase.       actionsrequiredareimplementedby:-
                                                              1. Linking the output into the planning and budgeting
             The Inherent Requirement of the Risk                processes. The benefits to this are that it helps to
                                                                 improve the planning process, reduces the chance
                                                                 of surprises, enhances achievement of objectives,
             To properly manage risk, it is necessary to first identify
                                                                 enhances consistency and ensures more informed
             and then assess the risks the business faces. Example
             areas to assess are strategic, operational, financial and
             environmental.Mastworthwhilestrategiesarelikelyto  2. Sharing best practice with other teams. This
             carry some degree of risk; therefore such areas need to  encourages people to think and promotes positive
             be carefully assessed. Having conducted the risk    culturalchange.
             assessment, it is then necessary to rank the risks by  3. Working with other teams to address exposures
             importance. In risk mapping, the probability of the risk  identified in business interface; will help to break
             is platted an .one axis and its potential impact on the  down'silos'andenhancescommunication.

             Lawprobabilitybut         Highprobabilityand     Alternative methods for dealing with
             highimpact                highimpact             theirbusinessrisks:
             Lowprobabilityand         Highprobabilitybut     Risks can be managed in a variety of ways and the
             lowimpact                 lowimpact              directors need to try to balance the effectiveness of the
                                                              method they select against the cost. Risk management
             The top right-hand corner shows the risks that have the  maybeachievedby:-
             highest priority. The impact of risk is not just risk in  1. Transferring the risk, e.g. insurance, reinsurance or
             financial terms; it can also impact on a business's  outsourcing;
             reputation. A good example of this is the recent
                                                              2. Avoiding the risk by changing the company's
             problems that Arthur Anderson had as the auditors for  businesse.g.notdiversifyingintoanewproduct;
             the US conglomerate Enron. As a result, Arthur
             Anderson lost all credibility and the business failed.  3. Introducing controls to manage the risk, e.g.
             Risk management as it stands cannot be outsourced, it  businesscontinuityplans(seebelow);
             remains the responsibility of the organization’s  4. Deciding to accept the risk, particularly low
             management and it is not something that a company   impact/low likelihood risks as the cost of dealing
             just does once. It needs to be an ongoing process; it will  withtheriskmayexceedthebenefitgained.
             need to be regularly updated and communicated to all
             thosepeapiethatneedtoknow.                       All firms no matter what their size need to ensure they
                                                              develop a business continuity plan. Business continuity
             Risk management is also an exercise commonly     is about looking at 'what if' scenarios, for example,
             conducted within projects. Here the project team will  what if the country was affected by flu pandemic or a
             identify the risks and issues that could be a barrier to  terrorist threat? Have we got a contingency plan that
             beingabletoachievetheirobjectivesaccordingtoplan,  will ensure that the business will continue to function
             budget and timescales. Having identified the risks, the  efficientlywithlittleornodisruptiontostaff,customers
             team will develop contingency plans to use should the  and suppliers? At a high level, the business will need to
             risk materialize. By having these ready for use, they will  establish a key skills database so that individuals are
             bereadytoquicklyaddresstherisksshouldtheyarise.  identified within the organization that can provide

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