Page 21 - RMAI BULLETIN Oct - Dec 2019
P. 21


             volunteers, an honorarium of Rs. 200/day will be paid  “Every business leader as well as functional leader is
             tothecandidate.Thedurationoftrainingonsearchand  responsible for risk management, for ensuring that
             rescueandmedicalfirstaidwillbeforthreedays.      they are considering the risks in whatever part they are
             He added that the HPSDMA scheme is in the process of  playingintheentireprocess,”headded.
             implementation in each district by respective District  While the merits of a company-wide risk-aware culture
             Disaster Management Authority. Each of the       cannot be overstated, this should extend to vendors
             authorities will be led by the Deputy Commissioners  and partners as well. “Today’s IT processes are a sum of
             and the projected et for the 3226 panchayats in the  parts,” said IMGC’s Shrikant Shrivastava. He sheds light
             State with 15 volunteers per panchayat. It is being  on the fact that the most effective risk management
             aimed that the number of trained volunteers for the  practices can be unsuccessful in case they aren’t
             stateinthenextthreeyearswillbe48,390.            followed across the supply chain. On the other hand,
                                                              the third-party is ranking high on the priority list of
             The respective districts will prepare and update in the
             database of these volunteers in a regular manner
             services will be utilized during the disasters, road  CPP’s Deepak Matai said, “The customer data that lies
             accidentsandotheremergencies.                    with the bank and might be lying with a call center or
                                                              collection agency is, I think, the biggest risk our
             ICICI Lombard General, CNBC-TV18                 businessreallyfacestoday.”
             organizes India Risk Management
                                                              and impact of each risk, its nature, time frame, the
             Awards,holdssessiononnewagerisks                 options at the business’ disposal and the cost of
             The ICICI Lombard General Insurance in association  managingit.ICICILombard’sSandeepGoradiarevealed
             with CNBC-TV18 has recently organized India Risk  Cyber Insurance has become one of their highest-
             Management Awards, which held an insightful master  sellingproductsrightnow.
             class on new-age risks and their management. Several
             renowned thought leaders and industry veterans Google joins hands with ClimaCell to
             joined the session to decode how businesses can de-  improve nation’s weather forecasting
             risk themselves in the age of technological
             advancement.                                     abilities
                                                              With the aim of improving the weather forecast
             In the recent past, traditional risks in relation to
                                                              abilities of India, Google Cloud has entered into an
             accidents, employee health, property and equipments
                                                              partnership with US-based weather technology
             imposed biggest threats on businesses. However, there
                                                              company ClimaCell. Through this collaboration, Google
             has been a shift in the risk field in recent years due to
                                                              Cloud and ClimaCe will aim to provide free access to
             digital disruption in business world with concerns
                                                              high fidelity weather forecasting models to developers,
             regarding data theft, compliance, privacy and
             cybersecurity. Presently, most of the companies now
                                                              Google Cloud with its public dataset programme,
             say new age risks have more significance to business
                                                              ClimaCell – CBAM India Weather Forecasts, is going to
                                                              make the outputs of these models accessible for
             Lalit Malik, CFO, Dabur India; Shrikant Shrivastava,  everyone in the country. In addition to that, Google
             Chief Risk Officer, India Mortgage Guarantee     Cloud will also help in supporting the computational
             Corporation; Deepak Ahluwalia, Vice President &  requirementsofthisprogrammeinIndia.
             Global Head of Governance, Risk and Compliance,
                                                              The weather technology company claims that the
             Zomato; Deepak Matai, Country CEO – India, Malaysia
                                                              ClimaCell Bespoke Atmospheric Model (CBAM) takes
             & Bangladesh, CPP Group; and Sandeep Goradia, Head
                                                              inputs from its proprietary “Weather-of-Things”
             – Corporate Solution Group, ICICI Lombard were
                                                              “From wireless signals to cars sensors, ClimaCell
             “Risk management is not only an issue for an IT  leverages the connected world to bridge the large
             manager or a technology manager’s job; it runs across  sensing gap and to help improve forecasting anywhere
             the organisation,” said Zomato’s Deepak Ahluwalia.  intheworld,”ClimaCellsaidinastatement.

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