Page 23 - RMAI BULLETIN Oct - Dec 2019
P. 23


             understand their initiatives to become a Cybersecurity  Inordertoprovideprotectiontothedepositsof several
             hub. We invite all the players in the ecosystem to  thousand bank investors, the regulator has issued the
             participate and benefit from these collaboration  direction. The directive has made it mandatory for the
             programs.”                                       cooperative sector banks to comply with the guidelines
             Govt to award cybersecurity startups for
                                                              Meanwhile, the banks have also been asked by the city
             breakthroughwork                                 police to strengthen their critical cyber security
             In a bid to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in  infrastructure and maintain compliance with the
             the field of cybersecurity startups, the Ministry of  directions. As per the officials, any delay in compliance
             Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY) and Data  of the directives will lead to stern action by the RBI and
             Security Council of India (DSCI) have taken an initiative  concerned agencies. The RBI has suggested a four-step
             to award cyber security with Cyber Security Grand  securitystructuretobeputinplacebythebanks.
             Challenge.                                       The first being creation of basic cyber security
             A start-up, wining the challenge, will get a cash prize of  infrastructure; second, the banks must take extra
             Rs 3.2 crore for breakthrough work in the space of  precaution and care of the account holders using net
             cybersecurity.Registrationsfortheawardarecurrently  banking transactions and third, there should be very
             open and DSCI will be monitoring the Grand Challenge  strict security arrangement for those banks engaged in
             andthewholeprocesswillrunforninemonthsthrough    high internet usage and ATM switch facilities and the
             differentstages.                                 fourth being those banks engaged in sharing data
             Ajay Sawhney, Secretary, MeitY, said, “The Grand  centres with other banks, who must concentrate on
             Challenge is a first of its kind initiative encouraging  strengthening their security. Police Inspector Jayram
             cyber security entrepreneurs to innovate and develop  Paigude of the cyber crime police station said, “The
             solutions for critical cyber security problems and  banks must immediately update their security so that
             demonstrate capabilities. It is an opportunity to gain  onlinepredatorsdon’ttargetandsiphonoffthemoney.
             mentorshipandguidanceunderthebestcybersecurity   It is seen that co-op banks don’t pay attention towards
             experts. Startups will receive intensive mentoring on  cyber security and hence, this is a very vital component
             various aspects such as technology, building global  of their security which must be addressed at the
             solutions,gotomarketstrategy,etc.”               earliest. We have also issued directions to them. The
             Rama Vedashree, CEO, DSCI, said, “We are proud to  cooperative banks must immediately comply with the
             partner with Ministry of Electronics & Information  RBI order.” Maharashtra Urban Co-operative Bank
             Technology to conceptualize and launch the Cyber  Federation President Vidyadhar Anaskar said, “The
             Security Grand Challenge which endeavors to solve  directives issued by the apex bank are mandatory and
             critical Cyber Security problems and give impetus to  all banks must comply with the same. This will bring
             innovation and entrepreneurship in the Indian Cyber  down the attacks on banking security and interests of
             Security Start-up ecosystem. We had the privilege of  thedepositorscanbeprotectedatalltimes.”
             working with the Government and Industry to curate
             compelling problems statements and orchestrate a Jio joins group of companies to evaluate

             first-of-its-kindGrandChallenge.”                &discloseclimaterisk,saysCDPreport
                                                              CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) India has observed a
             RBI asks 52 co-op banks in Pune to               13% increase in the number of Indian companies,
             comply with RBI guidelines to boost              including Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd, who responded to
                                                              According to CDP annual report, growing climate
             Amid the rising number of online theft being reported
                                                              activism and band of climate-conscious investors have
             all over the city, the RBI has directed 52 cooperative
                                                              ensured that almost all leading companies have now

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