Page 22 - RMAI BULLETIN Oct - Dec 2019
P. 22
ClimaCell also claims that CBAM technology with the database and shared it with the concerned officials
help of Google Cloud will help in improving high duringtheworkshop.
resolution and refresh time to predict weather The Cabinet Minister Subodh Uniyal inaugurates the
conditionsinashortperiod. workshop. According to the disaster department
officials, Uttarakhand is the third state in India to
India needs digital risk management develop a multi-hazard probabilistic hazard
strategy,saysDeloitteIndia assessmentdatabase.
“The very fabric of work is being altered because of “As part of the database, sensitive and highly sensitive
converging demographic and technological trends places have been identified for earthquake, landslide
leadingtotheriseofnewsocialcontracts,”accordingto and other natural calamities by the agencies. In order
anewpublicationbyDeloitteIndia. to prevent unplanned construction, disaster-risk
The shifts have led to the emergence of new risks database will be included in the action plan of all the
around adopting digital technologies, managing departments, which will help in disaster mitigation,”
machine-human interaction, reskilling requirements, said Amit Singh Negi, secretary disaster management,
andextensionofworkplaceboundaries. Uttarakhand.
The ‘Through the Risk Lens’ paper further stated that
most of the workforce is expected to be millennials or Cybersecurity Centre of Excellence
gen Z workers by 2020, and by 2025, a fifth of the organizes meet up session for
Further, artificial intelligence (AI) will displace 40% of
In association with Toronto Business Development
the world’s current tasks, similar disruptors will help
Centre, the Cybersecurity Centre of Excellence,
create 1.75 million technology-enabled jobs. More
Hyderabad has recently organized a meet-up session,
than five in 10 Indian employees will require reskilling
Connect2Canada, for various cybersecurity start-ups in
“In light of newer business models and how disruptive
innovation is changing the way we work, regulations
with the aim of empowering cybersecurity start-ups so
are failing to keep pace. These changes have expanded
that they can explore business opportunities in
organisations’ risk profiles and made them more
complex and dynamic,” said Johar Batterywala, risk
advisorypartneratDeloitteIndia. Mr. Patrick Brown, Mayor, City of Brampton; Ms. Clare
Barnett, Director of Economic Development and
He said that risk leaders along with organisations need
Culture, City of Brampton; Ms. Patricia Dyl, Director of
to focus on understanding these emerging risks and
Partnerships Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst, Ryerson
formulating a response strategy to remain relevant in
University; Mr. Vallipuranathar, Senior Advisor to the
Mayor, City of Brampton; Mr. Vikram Khurana, Board
“The onus is also on policymakers to reassess and
Chairman at Toronto Business Development Centre;
update policies to define the gig economy, ensure
Ms. Neha Bahl, CEO at Toronto Business Development
access to government and societal benefits, and
Centre; and Dr. Sriram Birudavolu, CEO, Cybersecurity
facilitate access to education,” said Deepa Seshadri,
Centre of Excellence, Hyderabad were present at the
U’khand State disaster department Dr. Sriram Birudavolu, CEO, Cybersecurity Centre of
Excellence, Hyderabad said, “The Cybersecurity CoE at
organisesriskmanagement Hyderabad is a nerve center for international and
The State Disaster Management Department has domestic collaborations. We’re happy to foster
recently organised a workshop on geospatial platform engagement with the Canadian government bodies,
for disaster risk management in Uttarakhand. The state companies and academia. As a part of our program, we
disaster department in association with Asian Institute have initiated this dialogue with the Toronto Business
of Technology (AIT) has developed a new disaster risk Development Centre and the City of Brampton and