Page 24 - RMAI BULLETIN Oct - Dec 2019
P. 24
set up committees and members looking after The Lucknow unit of the UP Special Task Force (UP-
addressingclimaterisk. STF) unearthed 18 ATM cards, multiple sets of fake
“Scoresofinvestorsareactivelyengagingcompaniesto identity cards, 11 cellphones, fake SIM cards, two
disclose their climate risk and helping them to do laptops,printers,96sealsofvariousdoctors,hospitals
better. This can only benefit the companies through and pathology labs, cheque books, fake hospital bills,
green innovation and help clean up our environment,” 4,500 letter heads of various hospitals, 21 claim
saidDamandeepSingh,CDPIndiaDirector. forms, 35 hospital registration forms, two cars and
“The unlikely duo of world’s teenagers and investors
seem to be pushing the world, we now need to pick up As per the STF officials, using fake insurance claims,
thepace,”hesaid. the suspects allegedly duped insurance companies of
Top managements have integrated climate concerns in morethan2crore.
performance evaluation of key personal with nearly The suspects were identified as Amit Tyagi, native of
90% (53) providing incentives to senior staffers to help Meerut, Ankur Tyagi , native of Ghaziabad, Harsh
meet targets, 71% (42) providing monetary rewards Mishra and Saurabh Bhandari, natives of Gautam
and 37 giving non-monetary rewards for recognising, BudhNagar.
monitoring and overseeing progress in climate-related “They would prepare fake documents of people with
targets. bank accounts for the fraud. They were arrested
“WearedelightedthatJiohas joinedthegrowinggroup around 5.30am from Sector 21,” assistant
of companies who are evaluating and disclosing their superintendent of police, STF (Lucknow), Vishal
climate risk. We hope that the flagship Reliance Vikramsaid.
Industries will also disclose in the coming year,”
“A cyber team had been working on this. We got to
know that a case was registered in Noida’s Sector 58
police station in 2019 by the senior manager of an
Police arrest four in health insurance
insurance firm allegingthat multiple claims have been
scamfromNoida taken by the beneficiary of the same bank account. An
Police arrested four people in the context of an investigation revealed that cheques for this account
insurance fraud of over 2 crore from Noida. The were being signed by different people. Meanwhile,
arrested include the alleged mastermind of a pan-NCR similar cases were being registered across Delhi,”
healthinsurancefraud. Vikramsaid.
Kolkata Police (Cyber Cell) holds joint session on cyber
Kolkata Police (Cyber Cell), Central Forensic Science Lab and financial institutions have recently held a joint
India', formation of 'National Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Centre', 'Cyber Swachhta Kendra'
for malware protection, approving 'Personal Data Protection Bill' and smart currency hedging practices were
The awareness programme was held with the aim of promoting foundational understandings on cyber threats
and risk. It intended to aware common public on best practices and proactive measures when confronted with
Mr Ravi Sehgal explained that currency hedging is the most effective tool to mitigate currency risk. Dr. L Nato
Singh, scientist,Cyber Forensic Expert, Central Forensic Science Laboratory, Guwahati, Mr Kuntal Siddhartha,
SI, Cyber Crime, Lalbazar, Mr Tusimoy Das, SI, Bank Fraud, Lalbazar and Mr Nilkantha Roy, OC, Bank Fraud,
Lalbazar attendedtheprogrammeandspokeonseveralissues.