Page 19 - Life Insurance Today FEBRUARY 2016
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I. Introduction digital technology. Hence, companies started looking at
Digitalization not as option but an opportunity for their
Digitalization is the use of digital technologies to change a growth and survival.
business model and provide new revenue and value-
producing opportunities; it is the process of moving to a II. Need and importance
digital business. Through digitalization, a company's
digitized resources (such as online channels, machines In its Global technology M&A, Ernst & Young captures five
equipped with digital sensors, cloud-based software) are megatrends that are driving digital transformation across
transformed into new sources of revenue and operational industries-namely, smart mobility, social networking, cloud
gains. computing, big data analytics, and accelerated technology
adaptation. Additionally, trends such as, consumerization
For over a decade, it is observed that almost all the of IT continue to impact the enterprise IT ecosystem in India
enterprises have undergone a radical change and brought and across the globe. Thus, the need for digitalization is
wide transformations in their functions, operations and setting newer trends in Indian enterprises. Thus, for a
processes. Today, most of the companies are found to use developing country like India, Digitalization is the necessity
in today's challenging environment.
About the author
Keeping in view the importance of digitalization, our Prime
Mrs. P. Srilatha Minister Shri Narendra Modi is looking forward for
digitalization of the country itself. For this purpose, Digitize
Faculty Member, M.C. Gupta College of Business India Platform (DIP) is in the process. DIP will provide
Management and Ph.D. scholar, Jawaharlal Nehru
Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Life Insurance Today February 2016 19
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