Page 20 - Life Insurance Today FEBRUARY 2016
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digitization services for scanned document images or countries. Dr Shubhada Mohan Kulkarni (2015) found that
physical documents for any organization. The aim is to the life insurance industry can leverage the digital channel
digitize and make usable all the existing content in different to maximize revenues through greater reach and comfort
formats and create data extracts for document for the customer.
management, IT applications and records management.
In a study made by Cognizant Technology Solutions Ltd. on
DIP provides an innovative solution by combining machine Insurance insights, revealed that increased investment in
intelligence and a cost effective crowd sourcing model. It IT is expected as insurers take the natural next step to
features a secure and automated platform for processing achieve higher levels of systems integration to further
and extracting relevant data from document images in a improve bancassurance channel effectiveness. As
format that is usable for meta-data tagging, IT application digitalization is relatively a new consideration, there is not
processing and analysis. much literature available.
III. Review of Literature IV. Objective
Shri SNSSB Srinivasa (2004) found that the immense The present paper makes an attempt to understand the
untapped potential for the life insurance market demands digitalization in banking and insurance sectors and
innovative thinking and execution of the plan in a creative concludes with the importance of digitalization in
manner. If digital processes, with user-friendly features, are bancassurance in India. For this purpose, the data is
put in place, India could become the I.T. leader in the world collected from secondary sources.
and render services for the rest of the world. Mr. Anurag
Kumar (2012) concluded that while developing cross-selling V. Digitalization in banking sector
strategies, banks should always remember that cross-selling
is not a transaction based activity, it is primarily a Over the last few years, banking industry has witnessed a
relationship building exercise. transition from transaction-oriented business to a customer-
oriented one. In order to give the customer satisfaction,
Gunter Schwarz, Henrik Naujoks, Camille Goossens, David banks are creating various avenues for rendering their
Whelan, Andrew Schwedel, Harshveer Singh (2014) services. In this regard, banks have to be innovative.
examined that Asian customers show the highest demand Digitalization is one such kind.
for digital tools. Strengthening security and user-
friendliness would increase digital demand in most According to the McKinsey Asia Personal Financial Services
Survey, 2014, there are nearly 700 million digital banking
consumers across Asia. In India, Internet access is growing
at 34% p.a. and has covered 20% of the population. The
number of people doing digital banking is now 13% of the
total banked population; this number is growing at 20-25%
p.a. As many as 35% of digital banking customers also use
mobile wallets from non-banks and 50% of digital banking
customers are keen to try out new payment banks .
The penetration of digital banking amongst internet users
is about 23%. From the figure, it can be observed that
currently, there are 61 million online banking customers in
India. This number is set to grow at 23% p.a. to reach about
173 million by 2020. At the current rate of adoption, this
will reach 25% by 2020. However, with the concerted action
from banking industry, this number could be as high as 33%
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind."
20 February 2016 Life Insurance Today
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