Page 24 - Life Insurance Today FEBRUARY 2016
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VIII. Importance of digitalization in knowledge and understanding of customers. While banks
bancassurance business in India can track customer demographics and his transactions in
detail, insurers can collect timely data on mortality and
Digitalization involves paperless work and is necessary for morbidity, weather and natural disasters like earthquakes,
networked society. In India, rising level of internet, mobile tsunami and floods in order to facilitate better claim
phones and smart phones are bringing tremendous growth management.
for digitalization. Bancassurance, online sales channel and
other alternative distribution channels are becoming Recently, due to torrential rains occurred in Chennai during
increasingly dominant in the life insurance industry in India. November-December 2015, it is estimated that insurance
companies are likely to take a hit for more than Rs.2,000
By 2020, 75% of insurance sales will be online. There is a crore claims from automobiles, property and small &
saving of 15% to 20% in total costs of life insurance due to medium enterprises (SME).
digitization. The savings so generated if passed on to the
customers can not only result in customer delight but also IX. Conclusion
build customer relationships in the long run.
In the context of economy being digitalized, getting right
Digitalization allows the up-to-date customer information and timely information provides plenty of opportunities to
available with banks and this can help both banks and the firms. Thus, digitalization would bring several
insurance companies design the products suiting the advantages to all the three parties of the bancassurance
changing requirements of the customers. to make it a win-win situation.
Insurance companies can seek the advantages derived by X. References
the digital banking operations such as convenience, speed
and safety at which services are delivered in distributing 1. Shri SNSSB Srinivasa, Promoting insurance through
the insurance products and services too. Besides, insurance information technology, The Journal of insurance
companies and brokers are seeing a big business by offering institute of India, Vol. no. XXX, July - December 2004,
customized insurance packages for e-commerce firms to pp 94-105.
cover risks such as data theft, online frauds and hacking of
websites. 2. Mr.Anurag Kumar, Cross Selling (With Special Reference
to State Bank of India), International Journal Of Social
There is a need for both the banks and insurance companies Sciences & Interdisciplinary Research, Vol.1 No. 6, June
to create a single customer view which gives a 2012, pp 116-123.
comprehensive picture of customer information, i.e., his
needs, preferences, interactions in order to have better 3. Gunter Schwarz, Henrik Naujoks, Camille Goossens,
David Whelan, Andrew Schwedel, Harshveer Singh,
Customer loyalty and the DigicalĀ® transformation in
P&C and life insurance: Global edition 2014, June 18,
4. Dr Shubhada Mohan Kulkarni, Life Insurance
Distribution at Crossroads, IOSR Journal of Business
and Management, PP 16-22.
5. A Report of Cognizant Technology Solutions Ltd. on
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6. Reports of the IRDA and RBI
7. Watson - India market life insurance update September
8. Trends in Insurance Channels 2013: Key emerging
business and technology trends across insurance
channels, Capgemini.
"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough."
24 February 2016 Life Insurance Today
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