Page 29 - Life Insurance Today FEBRUARY 2016
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concerned of the respective State Governments who               Registration and submission of information to
    would be overseeing the efforts being made to mitigate           CBDT for compliance with obligations under
    the suffering and loss of the victims. It is informed that      Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCAI/
    the Nodal Officer in the State of Tamil Nadu is Shri
    Atulya Mishra,I.A.S., Principal Relief Commissioner.                  Common Reporting Standards (CRS)

3. Initiate immediate action to ensure that all reported            Ref: IRDA/F&A/Cir/GLD/222/12/2015
    claims are registered and eligible claims are settled
    expeditiously.                                                  Date: 22-12-2015

4. With regard to claims involving loss of life, where              1. The Authority, vide circular dt. 31.12.2014, had
    difficulty is experienced in obtaining a death                      advised all insurers (excluding GIC) to get them
    certificate due to non-recovery of body etc., the                   registered with the United States Internal Revenue
    process followed in the case of the recent Jammu &                  Service (US-IRS) and obtain a Global Intermediary
    Kashmir (J&K) floods in 2014 may be considered.                     Identification Number (GIIN), in order to avoid with-
                                                                        holding of tax on payments made to specified entities/
5. A suitably simplified process/procedure including                    individuals. The agreement with the US government
    relaxations in the usual requirements wherever                      was then at discussion and negotiation stage.
    feasible may be considered to expedite claims
    settlement.                                                     2. The government of India has since, entered into an
                                                                        Inter Governmental Agreement (IGA) with the United
6. Initiate, inter alia, the following proactive measures               States of America on 9th July, 2015. India has also
    to let the policyholders / beneficiaries access the                 become a part of the Multilateral Competent
    services of insurance companies.                                    Authority Agreement (MCAA) on 3rd June, 2015 for
                                                                        Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) on a
    a. A dedicated toll free number                                     mutual basis.

    b. A dedicated e-mail Id                                        3. As a part of enabling legal framework to ensure
                                                                        compliance with obligations under the above
    c. Contact Address of the local offices, if any.                    agreements, the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT)
                                                                        has notified the set of new Rules 114F to 114H to the
7. Details of offices/special camps set up for the purpose              Income Tax Rules, 1962 vide notification of Income
    may be publicized in the press, electronic media etc to             Tax (11th Amendment) Rules, 2015 dt. 7th August,
    enable immediate filing of claims. Details of such                  2015.
    publicity activities may be sent to the Authority,
    immediately.                                                    4. The Rules have introduced definitions of certain new
                                                                        terms (Rule 114F), collection, recording and reporting
8. The details of operations and actual functioning of all              of information (Rule 114G) and due diligence
    branches/offices of life insurance companies in the                 requirements (Rule 114H). A format of reporting the
    affected areas of both the States may be provided                   information of Reportable Accounts by the Reporting
    immediately.                                                        Financial Institutions, Form 61B has also been notified
                                                                        as a part of the Rules. Further, vide notification dt.
9. State wise progress report on the claims settled for                 25th August, 2015, the CBDT has notified the
    States of Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Andhra Pradesh                 procedure for registration on their e-filing website and
    shall be submitted on daily basis by 1 PM for data up               filing reports under digital signature.
    to previous day, in the link provided by IRDAI
    separately by mail.                                                 Guidance notes on implementation of reporting
                                                                        requirements under Rules 114F to 114H of the Income
10. PMJJBY claims data need to be submitted separately                  Tax Rules have also been issued by the CBDT. The
    while including the same in total claims.

                                                     Member (Life)

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