Page 32 - Life Insurance Today FEBRUARY 2016
P. 32

Five steps to the
right Health

One out of every four Indians is           must decide the type and extent of the    holder to fund the balance hospital
          at risk of dying from a non-     cover they need.                          payment once the company has paid
          communicable lifestyle                                                     its part.
          disease, such as diabetes,       Find your perfect match
cardio-vascular ailments or cancer,                                                  For instance, if the sub-limit on the
before the age of 70. To add to this,      Insurance companies in India offer a      hospital room rent is 1 per cent of the
health costs in India are soaring.         variety of health plans. These range      sum insured, then, in case of a policy
                                           from individual health to family floater  with sum insured Rs. 5 lakh, the
The way out: make sure you sign up         plans. You can now evaluate the plan      company will pay only Rs. 5,000 per
for a health insurance plan that takes     of your choice online by comparing        day for room rent.
care of rising health costs and sudden     plans of various providers.
emergencies.                                                                         If you have selected a deluxe suite,
                                           When signing up for a policy, ensure      where the room rent is more than Rs.
Here are five essential tips to keep in    that it offers a no-claim bonus. This     5,000, then the remaining amount will
mind while buying health insurance.        way, individuals who haven’t used the     have to be paid from your pocket. In
                                           insured amount in a particular year will  cases where the individual needs a high
Identify your need                         receive a percentage addition in the      medical insurance cover but doesn’t
                                           sum insured at the same premium the       have the necessary means to fund it, it
Health risks and insurance needs differ    next year.                                is advisable to invest in a top-up plan.
depending on age, area of residence,
gender, family history of illness, work    Buy the right policy                      A top-up plan acts as a buffer if the
life, family life and diet. For instance,                                            existing cover is exhausted due to any
individuals who spend long hours at a      It is wise to buy insurance from a        unforeseen illness.
desk job without getting enough            reputed insurer. Choose companies
exercise, run the risk of developing       that have good claims settlement          Account for medical inflation
obesity.                                   history. Ensure that the insurance
                                           intermediary or broker holds a valid      If you take a policy at 25, you are likely
On the other hand, someone who lives       licence.                                  to make a claim 10-15 years later. It
in a polluted metropolitan city can                                                  is thus vital to estimate what the
contract respiratory ailments. Based       Know sub-limits                           hospital costs will be at that point in
on the specific health risks, individuals                                            time. (Source : BL)
                                           Sub-limits often require the policy-

    "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how
                                                                you made them feel."

32                                         February 2016                             Life Insurance Today

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