Page 30 - Life Insurance Today FEBRUARY 2016
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same are being reviewed for revision, if required.                 spot reference rates published by the Foreign
    These notifications are available on the website                   Exchange Dealers Association of India (FEDAI) on                                          their website on the following link: http://
5. All insurers (including GIC) are hereby advised to
    register on the e-filing portal of the income tax             (iv) All the insurers are advised to develop suitable IT
    department and take the necessary steps to comply                  systems for generating and maintaining the
    with the reporting requirements.                                   information relating to the reportable accounts
                                                                       and also for carrying out the due diligence
    The submissions have to be made under the digital                  procedures. The IT systems should also provide
    signature of the Designated Director as defined in the             adequate functionality for audit.
    Rules referred above. The reporting is to be made by
    uploading of Form 61B or 'NIL' report as applicable.          (v) The requirements and obligations stipulated
                                                                       under the Income Tax Rules are towards
6. Compliance and Reporting under FATCA/ CRS:                          implementation of the provisions of the FATCA and
    (i) Insurers would have to segregate the reportable                CRS and are based on agreements of the
         accounts into 'pre-existing' and 'new' and also               Government of India with the USA and other
         separately identify the individual and entity                 countries.
         accounts as defined in the Rule 114H, for
         compliance with the applicable due diligence                  Therefore, appropriate Corporate Governance
         procedures.                                                   mechanism to ensure the compliance with the
                                                                       reporting requirements must be put in place with
    (ii) All Insurers (Reporting Entities) must undertake a            oversight of the MD/ CEO and the Designated
         value search for new accounts opened after                    Director or any equivalent official of the insurers.
         September 1, 2015 and up to October 31, 2015,
         by December 31, 2015. The complete due               Insurance Companies are advised to place this
         diligence wherever required, in case of such         communication before their Board and take the required
         accounts, must be completed by the 31st March,       initiatives for compliance with the directions/ obligations
         2016. Insurers shall also ensure the on-boarding of  as envisaged under the notifications.
         all new accounts opened on or after November 1,
         2015 based on FATCA/ CRS compliant forms and         These directions are issued under Section 14 (2) of the
         documentation.                                       IRDA Act, 1999 and any non-compliance with the same
                                                              shall be liable to appropriate regulatory action.
    (iii) For ascertaining the value of Reportable Accounts
         in INR terms, the value searches on various dates                                                               (V R Iyer)
         as indicated in the Rules, insurers may refer the                                                           Member F&I

   Future Generali hiring housewives as insurance agents

Future Generali Life Insurance Company has been reaching out to housewives who are frequent visitors to shopping
malls to portray the role of insurance agents or advisors. "We have got encouraging response from women. About
100 housewives have already become insurance agents for us," Munish Sharda, Managing Director and Chief Execu-
tive Officer, Future Generali Life Insurance told. The rationale behind the move is interesting. There has been a dearth
of youngsters who wish to take up sale of insurance as a profession and it makes sense to supplement the marketing
efforts by enlisting housewives who might have some free time to sell insurance between their daily chores.

"Actually, this is a profession where one can work selectively. Once you understand the product and its relevance to
customers properly, it should not be a difficult task as levels of awareness about insurance has been fast growing. This
suits housewives," he said. According to V. Manickam, Secretary-General, Life Insurance Council, the move to rope
in housewives is relevant for the industry as well as society. "It is welcomed as a lady can easily convince another lady
than a man on the need for saving and having social security. The household savings with women can be tapped while
offering social security for the family or the kids," he said.

30  February 2016                                             Life Insurance Today

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