Page 25 - Life Insurance Today FEBRUARY 2016
P. 25

Smart Swadhan

from SBI Life Insurance

Introduction:                                 premiums paid, as well as Section 10(10D) benefit on the maturity amount,
                                              subject to conditions.
SBI Life introduces Smart Swadhan
Plus, an Individual Non-linked Non-           Product Snapshot:
participating Term Assurance with
Return of Premium Plan, to meet your          Age* at Entry           Min: 18 years        Max: 65 years
need of insurance, with the added
advantage of getting your total basic         Maximum Age at Maturity 75 years
premiums paid back on maturity,
provided the policy is in-force.              Sum Assured (in multiples Min: Rs.5,00,000   Max: No Limit, subject to
                                              of Rs. 1000)                                 underwriting the proposal
What's more, you can also choose the
premium payment option, according             Policy Term             Min: 10 years        Max: 30 years
to your needs.
                                              Premium Payment Options 5 Plan Types: Single Premium (SP), Limited
Key Features:                                                                     Premium Payment Term (LPPT) -5, LPPT-10,
                                                                                  LPPT- 15 and Regular Premium (RP)
 Twin benefits:-
     a. Protection - Life insurance           Premium Paying Term     Single payment, 5 years, 10 years, 15 years
          coverage against any                (PPT)                   and Same as policy term
                                              Availability of Policy Term Premium Payment  Policy Term
     b. 100% Return of Premiums -                                                          Available
          In case of survival till maturity,  for Any Chosen Premium Option
          returns Total Basic Premiums                                                     10 - 30 years
          Paid under the Policy.              Payment Option          SP

 Option to pay premiums through                                      LPPT-5               10 - 30 years
     a single payment or for a limited
     period (5, 10, 15 years) or                                      LPPT-10              15 - 30 years
     throughout the policy term.
                                                                      LPPT-15              20 - 30 years
 Flexibility to choose the period for
     which you want protection. You                                   RP 10 - 30 years
     can choose from policy term 10
     years to 30 years.                       Premium Frequency       Single, Yearly, Half-Yearly, Quarterly and
 High Sum Assured Rebate - Get
     Discount on premium rates, for           Premium Frequency       Half-Yearly: 52.00% of annual premium
     customers opting for higher level        Loading                 Quarterly: 26.50% of annual premium
     of protection
                                                                      Monthly: 8.90% of annual premium
 Get Section 80C benefit on your
                                              Premium                 Premium             Minimum    Maximum
Life Insurance Today                                                  Frequency

                                                                      Single              Rs. 21,000 No Limit

                                                                      Yearly              Rs. 2,300

                                                                      Half-yearly         Rs. 1,200

                                                                      Quarterly           Rs. 650

                                                                      Monthly             Rs. 250

                                                       February 2016                                                        25

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