P. 80

5]  Cash  payments  or  refunds  of  Income  Tax  unless  they  can  be  specifically  identified  with  financing  or

           investing activities

           6]  Cash  receipts  and  payments  to  future  contracts,  forward  contracts  when  the  contracts  are  held  for

           trading purposes.

           Cash from operating activities can be disclosed either by DIRECT METHOD OR BY INDIRECT METHOD.

           Investing Activities are the acquisition and disposal of long-term assets and other investments not included

           in cash equivalents.


           1] Cash payments/receipts to acquire/sale of fixed assets including intangible assets

           2] Cash payments to acquire shares or interest in joint ventures (other than the cases where instruments are

           considered as cash equivalents)

           3] Cash advances and loans made to third parties (Loan sanctioned by a financial enterprise is operating


           4] Dividends and Interest received

           5] Cash flows from acquisitions and disposal of subsidiaries

           Financing Activities are activities that result in changes in the size and composition of the owners’ capital

           (including preference share capital in the case of a company) and borrowing of the enterprise.


           1] Cash proceeds from issue of shares and debentures

           2] Buy back of shares

           3] Redemption of Preference shares or debentures

           4] Cash repayments of amount borrowed.

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