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Table 5: If money is kept aside for            On a whole, the sample is evenly distributed regarding their
                                                              preference of insurance companies but 78% of non-working
                    investment every month
                                                              women prefer to invest in government insurance policy as
          Response Non working Working     Working Total      compared to 32% of working women and 44% of working men.
                       women      women      men              More working women prefer private insurers as 68% of working
                                                              women preferred them for their service and promptness.
          Yes          10 (20%)   38 (76%) 50 (100%)  98
                                                              Private schemes are also preferred by 56% of working men.
          No           40 (80%)   12 (24%)    0       52
          Total          50         50        50     150
                                                              Lack of awareness of health insurance is clearly observed in
         80% of the non-working women do not keep aside any sum
                                                              and around the city of Kolkata from the survey. The importance
         for investment and rarely take investing decisions. 76% of
         working women and 100% of working men however keep   of an insurance policy has always been felt in those times when
         aside a sum for investment every month and they invest in  the whole family faces financial crisis due to a member's lack of
         properties, insurance, gold, stocks, mutual funds etc.  insurance. Lack of liquid assets and non-recurring flow of income
                                                              often prevents lower income families to opt for health
                                                              insurance. The scenario is bad in rural areas but the position is
           Table 6: Person whose advice is sought
                                                              still far from being satisfactory among the educated urban
                       for investing money                    masses. The low amount of annual premium paid by the sample
                                                              proves that even among those who have opted for health
          Response Non working Working     Working Total
                       women      women      men              insurance, the coverage is not adequate.
          Husband/     41 (82%)   10 (20%)  14 (28%)  65      It is also interesting to note that the working women are
          wife or                                             least bothered to increase their risk coverage. Financial
          family                                              advisors or company agents do have adequate knowledge of
                                                              insurance products but it is observed that they are not given
          Company       0 (0%)    13 (26%)  0 (0%)    13      much importance by the sample surveyed. The selection of
          agents                                              companies by the sample is not based on their past records
          Friends and  8 (16%)     0 (0%)   0 (0%)    8       or market capitalization but on other considerations. Thus it
          colleagues                                          can be concluded that the state of health insurance among

          Financial     0 (0%)    8 (16%)   0 (0%)    8       the selected sample is far from being satisfactory as they are
          advisor                                             underinsured, ill informed and are in need of information
                                                              about the product.
          Self decision  1 (2%)   19 (38%)  36 (72%)  56
          Total          50         50        50     150
                                                              Y  Ahlin, T., Nichter, M., and Pillai, G. (2016). Health insurance
         82% of non working women are dependent on their husbands
                                                                 in India: What do we know and why is ethnographic research
         or family members for their investment decisions and only  needed. Anthropology and Medicine, 23(1), 102-124.
         and 1% takes self decisions. 38% of working women take self
                                                              Y  Ahmed, A. (2013). Perception of Life Insurance Policies in
         decisions as compared to 72% of working men.
                                                                 Rural India. Arabian Journal of Business and Management
           Table 7: Preference of public or private              review, 2(6), 17-24.
                                                              Y  Anita, J. (2008). Emerging health insurance in India - An
                     company for insurance
                                                                 overview. 10th Global Conference of Actuaries, The
          Response Non working Working     Working Total         Institute of the Actuaries of India, 81-97.
                       women      women      men              Y  Dutta, M. M. (2020). Health Insurance sector in India: an
          Public       39 (78%)   16 (32%)  22 (44%)  72         analysis of its performance. Vilakshan - XIMB Journal of
          Company                                                Management, 17(1/2), 97-109.
          Private      11 (22%)   34 (68%)  28 (56%)  78      Y  Kala, S., and Jain, P. (2015).Awareness of Health Insurance
          Company                                                among people with special reference to Rajasthan
                                                                 (India).International Journal of Business Quantitative
          Total          50         50        50     150
                                                                 Economics and Applied Management Research, 1(12), 21-31 T
          40  The Insurance Times, October 2021
   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45